0.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

commandly v0.0.1

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6 years ago


The ultimate command line parser


Parses command line options for JavaScript CLI commands. Supports the following:

  • Short (-o) and long (--option) options
  • Options with and without values
  • Option values of differnt types (string, int, float, key-value, etc.)
  • Option specified multiple times (--option 1 --option 2 --option 3)
  • Options with list values (--option 1,2,3)
  • Custom parsing of option values
  • Custom validation of option values
  • Cross option validation
  • Required options
  • Named arguments
  • Required arguments
  • Custom validation of arguments
  • Command support (git style)
  • Automatic usage and help generation


    const commandly = require("commandly");
    const options = commandly
      .description("A command to run stuff")
      .option({ name: 'string', alias: 's', description: 'A string option', type: 'string' })
      .option({ name: 'boolean', alias: 'b', description: 'A boolean (flag) option', type: 'boolean' })
      .option({ name: 'flag', alias: 'f', description: 'Another boolean (flag) option', type: 'boolean' })
      .option({ name: 'int', alias: 'i', description: 'An integer option', type: 'int', required: true, variableName: 'val' })
      .option({ name: 'float', description: 'A float option with no short form', type: 'int', required: true, variableName: 'val' })
      .option({ name: 'option', alias: 'o', description: 'An option which can only be one of several values', type: 'options', options: [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ] })
      .option({ name: 'required', alias: 'r', description: 'A required integer option', type: 'int', required: true, variableName: 'val' })
      .option({ name: 'multiple', alias: 'm', description: 'An option that is allow to return multple times', type: 'string', multiple: true })
      .option({ name: 'list', alias: 'l', description: 'An option that takes a list of values', type: 'string', list: true })
      .option({ name: 'validate', alias: 'V', description: 'An option which will be validated', type: 'int', validate: (x) => { return x>10; } })
      .option({ name: 'command', alias: 'c', description: 'An option that is only valid for the add command', type: 'string', command: "add" })
      .option({ name: 'group', alias: 'g', description: 'Grouping of options for display in help text', type: 'string', group: "Group 1" })
      .option({ name: 'parse', alias: 'p', description: 'Custom parsing', type: 'int', parse: (x) => { if (x === 'one') return 1; } })
      .command({ name: "add", description: "Description of the add command" })
      .command({ name: "remove", description: "Description of the remove command" })
      .command({ name: "save", description: "Description of the save command" })
      .argument({ name: "first", description: "A required argument", required: true })
      .argument({ name: "addArg", description: "An argument just for the add command", command: "add" })
      .argument({ name: "other", description: "The rest of the arguments", multiple: true })
      .helpSection('More Info', 'For more info see: http://www.github.com/spearson23/commandly')
      .helpSection('Author', 'Steven Pearson')

    switch (options.command) {
      case 'add': {
        if ((options.string === 'string') && (options.boolean)) {
      case 'remove': {
        if ((options.int === 3) && (options.float === 5.4) && (options.multiple.findIndex('here') >= 0)) {
      case 'save': {
        if (options.option === 'two') {
$ commmand --help

A command to run stuff

  command (--int|-i) <val> --float <val> (--required|-r) <val> [options]
          <first> [<other>]...[<other>]
  command add (--int|-i) <val> --float <val> (--required|-r) <val> [options]
          <first> [<addArg>] [<other>]...[<other>]
  command remove (--int|-i) <val> --float <val> (--required|-r) <val> [options]
          <first> [<other>]...[<other>]
  command save (--int|-i) <val> --float <val> (--required|-r) <val> [options]
          <first> [<other>]...[<other>]

  -h, --help <boolean>      Parints help message
  -v, --version <boolean>   Prints version
  -s, --string <string>     A string option
  -b, --boolean <boolean>   A boolean (flag) option
  -f, --flag <boolean>      Another boolean (flag) option
  -i, --int <val>           An integer option
  --float <val>             A float option with no short form
  -o, --option <options>    An option which can only be one of several values
  -r, --required <val>      An integer option
  -m, --multiple <string>   An option that is allow to return multple times
  -l, --list <string>       An option that takes a list of values
  -V, --validate <int>      An option which will be validated

add Options:
  -c, --command <string>   An option that is only valid for the add command

Group 1 Options:
  -g, --group <string>   Grouping of options for display in help text

More Info:
  For more info see: http://www.github.com/spearson23/commandly

  Steven Pearson

For more, see Examples



The name of the command for usage


The version of the command for usage


The description of the command for usage


argument(name, description, required = false, multiple = false) {

Defines an argument for the command. Members include:

  • name: Name of argument
  • description: Argument description
  • required: Is this argument required?
  • multiple: Is argument allowed more than once?
  • defaultValue: Default value of argument if not given
  • validate: A validation function (returns false or throws an error)
  • validateMessage: Message to display if validate returns false.
  • command: Specifies that this argument is only valid with a specific command


command(name, description)

Defines a command for the command (github style)

  • name: Command name
  • description: Command description


option(name, alias, type, description, required)

Defines an option for the command

  • name: Option name (used with --xxxx)
  • alias: Option alias (used as -X) (optional)
  • type: Option type (string, int, float, boolean, flag, options, keyValue)
  • description: Option description (optional)
  • group: Name of the group of options this option belongs to (optional)
  • variableName: Variable name to use with usage message (optional)
  • required: Is this option required? (optional)
  • multiple: Is option allowed more than once? (optional)
  • list: Can a list of values be passed to the option? (optional)
  • defaultValue: Default value of option (optional)
  • parse: Function to parse value (called before value has been set to correct type -- is still a string) (optional)
  • map: Function to map a value (called after value has been set to correct type) (optional)
  • validate: A validation function (returns false or throws an error)
  • validateMessage: Message to display if validate returns false.
  • command: Specifies that this option is only valid with a specific command (optional)

validate(function, string)

Adds a cross option validator

  • validator: Function which returns false or throws error if validation fails
  • message: Message to display on validator returning false (optional)


Sets the usage text to be used instead of the auto generated one

  • text: The usage text (overrides auto-generated usage)

helpSection(name, text)

Adds another section to the help printout

  • name: Name of the section
  • text: Text of the section


Sets config for commandly

  • allowTrailingOptions: Allow options after the first argument (default: false)
  • allowExtraArguments: Allow argumnets that were not defined by a call to argument() (default: false)
  • commandVariableName: Variable name to hold command name returned from parse() (default: 'command')
  • argumentsVariableName: Variable name to hold extra arguments returned from parse() (default: 'arguments')


Parses the arguments and returns options, command and arguments Throws a ParseError on error

  • args: The arguments (defaults to arguments from process.argv)


Parses and processes the arguments and returns options, command and arguments Prints usage on help argument Prints version on version argument Prints error and usage on error

  • args: The arguments (defaults to arguments from process.argv)


Basic types

Options can be either string, int, float, boolean/flag, option or key/value.

  const options = commandly
    .option({ name: 'string', alias: 's', description: 'A string option', type: 'string' })
    .option({ name: 'boolean', alias: 'b', description: 'A boolean (flag) option', type: 'boolean' })
    .option({ name: 'flag', alias: 'f', description: 'Another boolean (flag) option', type: 'boolean' })
    .option({ name: 'int', alias: 'i', description: 'An integer option', type: 'int' })
    .option({ name: 'float', description: 'A float option with no short form', type: 'int' })
    .option({ name: 'date', alias: 'd', description: 'A date option returns a Javascript date', type: 'date' })
    .option({ name: 'moment', alias: 'm', description: 'A momentjs option returns a momentjs moment', type: 'moment' })
    .option({ name: 'float', description: 'A float option with no short form', type: 'int',  })
    .option({ name: 'option', alias: 'o', description: 'An option which can only be one of several values', type: 'options', options: [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ] })
    .option({ name: 'keyvalue', alias: 'k', description: 'An option which has a key and value', type: 'keyvalue' })
    .process([ '--string', 'text', '--boolean', '--flag', '--int', '3', '--float', '5.4', '--option', 'one', '-keyvalue', 'key=value' ]);
  options.string = 'text';
  options.boolean = true;
  options.flag = true;
  options.int = 3;
  options.float = 5.4';
  options.option = 'one';
  options.keyvalue.key = 'value';

Dates and Moments

Date and Moment options use momentjs library (http://momentjs.com) to parse dates. Date options return a JavaScript date, and moment options return a momentjs moment. They can take two extra arguments:

  const options = commandly
    .option({ name: 'date', alias: 'd', description: 'A date option returns a Javascript date', type: 'date', format: 'YYYY-MM-DD' })
    .process([ '--date', '1999-12-31' ]);
  options.date = true;

Options Options

An option of type 'options', must be one of of the given options

  const options = commandly
    .option({ name: 'option', alias: 'o', description: 'An option which can only be one of several values', type: 'options', options: [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ] })
    .process([ '--option', 'five' ]);
  // Prints error, not valid


Options can have short forms (-b). Multiple boolean options can be combine together on command line (-bf)

  const options = commandly
    .option({ name: 'boolean', alias: 'b', description: 'A boolean (flag) option', type: 'boolean' })
    .option({ name: 'flag', alias: 'f', description: 'Another boolean (flag) option', type: 'boolean' })
    .option({ name: 'int', alias: 'i', description: 'An integer option', type: 'int', required: true, variableName: 'val' })
    .process([ '-bf', '-i', '3' ]);
  options.boolean = true;
  options.flag = true;
  options.int = 3;

Multiple and list options

Options with multiple values can be either specified multiple times or as lists or as key/values.

  const options = commandly
    .option({ name: 'string', alias: 's', description: 'A string option', type: 'string', multiple: true })
    .option({ name: 'int', alias: 'i', description: 'An integer option', type: 'int', list: true })
    .option({ name: 'keyvalue', alias: 'k', description: 'An option which has a key and value', type: 'keyvalue', multiple: true })
    .process([ '--string', 'text', '--string', 'text2', '--int', '3,5,7', '--keyvalue', 'key=value', '--keyvalue', 'key2=value2' ]);
  options.string = [ 'text', 'test2' ];
  options.int = [ 3, 5, 7 ];
  options.keyvalue.key = 'value';
  options.keyvalue.key2 = 'value2';

Required options

Options can be required

  const options = commandly
    .option({ name: 'required', alias: 'r', description: 'An required integer option', type: 'int', required: true })
    .process([ ]);
  // Prints error message

Default values options

Options can have default values

  const options = commandly
    .option({ name: 'default', alias: 'd', description: 'An option with a default value', type: 'int', defaultValue: 1 })
    .process([ ]);
  options.default === 1

Options can have there own custom parser

Define a custom parser for an options value

  parseRoman(number) {
    if (!number) return 0;
    if (number.startsWith("M")) return 1000 + parseRoman(number.substring(1));
    if (number.startsWith("CM")) return 900 + parseRoman(number.substring(2));
    if (number.startsWith("D")) return 500 + parseRoman(number.substring(1));
    if (number.startsWith("CD")) return 400 + parseRoman(number.substring(2));
    if (number.startsWith("C")) return 100 + parseRoman(number.substring(1));
    if (number.startsWith("XC")) return 90 + parseRoman(number.substring(2));
    if (number.startsWith("L")) return 50 + parseRoman(number.substring(1));
    if (number.startsWith("XL")) return 40 + parseRoman(number.substring(2));
    if (number.startsWith("X")) return 10 + parseRoman(number.substring(1));
    if (number.startsWith("IX")) return 9 + parseRoman(number.substring(2));
    if (number.startsWith("V")) return 5 + parseRoman(number.substring(1));
    if (number.startsWith("IV")) return 4 + parseRoman(number.substring(2));
    if (number.startsWith("I")) return 1 + parseRoman(number.substring(1));
    throw new ParseException("Value (" + number + ") is not a valid Roman Numeral");
  const options = commandly
    .option({ name: 'roman', alias: 'r', description: 'A roman numeral', type: 'int', parse: (x) => { return parseRoman(x) } })
    .process([ '--roman', 'MMXVII' ]);
  options.roman === 2017;


Options can be validated separately with the validate param on the option function or as a whole with the validate function. Validation functions should return false to signal an error or throw an exception.

  const options = commandly
    .option({ name: 'positive', description: 'A positive integer', type: 'int', validate: (x) => { return (x >= 0); }, validateMessage: 'positive options must be greater than or equal zero' })
    .option({ name: 'dependent', description: 'A dependent option', type: 'string')
    .validate(options => { if (typeof options.positive !== 'undefined') return (typeof options.dependent !== 'undefined'); }, 'dependent option is required if positive option is specified.')
    .process([ '--positive', '4', '--dependent', 'string' ])