commerce-components v0.1.2
Vue.js installer plugin for Commerce.js with a global <chec-payment-form>
, an enhanced Commerce.js aware <form>
Vue component to facilitate rapid checkout development. (BETA v0.1.0)
Facililates creating a checkout payment form in a headless integration.
Play with a demo on codesandbox:
Installing package
You can use either yarn
or npm
to install the commerce-components
package and it's dependencies from this Github repo.
Clone this repo then ...
with yarn
yarn add commerce-components
with npm
npm install commerce-components
Easily build a checkout form
Before getting started create a free Chec merchant account on then within your Chec dashboard create at least one product and retrieve your public API key.
Import then install
passing your publicChec
API key.This will
- globally register the
component. - instantiate a Commerce.js client assigning it as a global variable
. (e.g.this.$commerce.cart.retrieve().then(cart => console.log(cart));
from anywhere)
import VueCommercejs from 'commerce-components'; Vue.use(VueCommercejs, { commercejsPublicKey: process.env.VUE_APP_COMMERCEJS_PUBLIC_KEY }); new Vue({ render: h => h(App), }).$mount('#app');
- globally register the
Implement the
component synchronizing the<App>
's checkout & formData state<!-- ex: App.vue templae --> <template> <chec-payment-form useTestGateway // forces use of test_gatway when slotProp.captureOrder is called :identifierId="cartId" // also supports a permalink or id—if the prop identifierType is set to 'product_id' identifierType="cart" // cart by default, also supports permalink and product_id // handles sync. checkout object, and expects checkout value to empty object {}, // it will populate it automatically on mount :checkout.sync="checkout" // handles populating formData object with properties (customer, card, shipping) for form input(s) to bind to with v-model // and resets values like formData.selectedShippingMethod on checkout token object change :context.sync="formData" v-slot="{ captureOrder, countries, subregions, shippingOptions, shippingOptionsById }" > <!-- ^^ the slot props are important for powering dynamic parts of the form, it provides the countries, subregions, and shippingOptions list, a computed shippingOptionsById object, and a captureOrder callback method to invoke on submit--> <input type="text" v-model="formData.customer.firstName" /> <input type="number" v-model="formData.card.number" /> <!-- invoke captureOrder slot-prop callback within method to handle promise, resolving with response from capture-order request --> <button @click="() => handleCallCaptureOrderCallBack(captureOrder)"> </chec-payment-form> </template>
// in App.vue (example) // in this example, in the created() hook we're retrieving a cart, setting the in the state, and adding a product to the cart export default { name: 'app', created() { // retrieve the cart, and then add a product to the cart this.$commerce.cart.retrieve().then(cart => { this.cartId =; this.$commerce.products.list().then(({ data }) => { this.$commerce.cart.add(data[0].id); }); }) }, data: () => ({ // when <chec-payment-form> is mounted and created this formData will be transformed into the proper formData schema with properties /* customer: { firstName: '', lastName: '', email: '', }, shipping: { name: '', street: '', street2: '', townCity: '', countyState: '', country: 'US', postalZipCode: '', }, billing: { name: '', street: '', street2: '', townCity: '', countyState: '', country: 'US', postalZipCode: '', }, selectedShippingMethod: '', selectedGateway: '' card: { number: '', // if dev. mode, set dev friendly defaults expMonth: '', expYear: '', cvc: '', billingPostalZipcode: '', }, */ // (Note, must be passed to form as <chec-payment-form :context.sync="formData"/>) formData: {}, // 'formData' is an arbitrary property name, it can be any name so long it gets passed as the context.sync prop to <chec-payment-form> for it to be set-up if using slot.captureOrder // checkout token object, populated when <chec-payment-form> mounts and generates token, will be updated, and continuesly sync. with chec-payment-form (Note, must be passed to form as <chec-payment-form :checkout.sync="checkoutTokenObject"/>) checkout: {}, cartId: '', }), methods: { /** * custom captureOrder method */ handleCallCaptureOrderCallBack(captureOrderCallBack) { captureOrderCallBack() .then(resp => { // can also handle successful resp by listening to, order:success, event on <chec-payment-form> // console.log('💸💸 YAY ORDER SUCCESSFUL!', resp); }) .catch((error => { // handle error from #capture-order request // can also handle error by listening to, order:error, event on <chec-payment-form> }); }, }, };
Spin up the demo
Git clone this repo then cd
into the directory
cd commerce-components
Install all the dependencies
yarn install
Compile and minify a build of the package, serving the demo on localhost:7777
yarn build-lib && yarn demo:serve
Play with the demo on http://localhost:7777/,
besure to create an .env
file with your Chec public API
key for the demo app to fully work.