0.1.1 • Published 5 years ago
commitlint-plugin-ignore-subject-issues v0.1.1
The plugin tweaks
rule of conventional-changelog/commitlint to allow upper-case
text in issue IDs.
It is a bit more flexible than disabling the subject-case
rule, as it only makes an exception for issue IDs. The rest of the subject text is still validated.
You can use the plugin in combination with @commitlint/config-conventional config.
Install the plugin:
npm install -g commitlint-plugin-ignore-subject-issues
Add ignore-subject-issues
to the list of plugins, and configure issuePrefixes
Sample config commitlint.config.js
module.exports = {
extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'],
plugins: ['ignore-subject-issues'],
parserPreset: {
parserOpts: {
issuePrefixes: ['AAAA-'],
Verify. This commit message should pass validation:
echo 'feat: AAAA-1001 whatever changes' | commitlint
Without the plugin, you would get an error:
⧗ input: feat: AAAA-1001 whatever changes
✖ subject must not be sentence-case, start-case, pascal-case, upper-case [subject-case]
✖ found 1 problems, 0 warnings
ⓘ Get help: https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint/#what-is-commitlint