1.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

complex-html-tablify v1.1.0

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2 years ago

Complex HTML Tablify

Complex HTML Tablify provide a human friendly way to write complex HTML table by YAML syntax and simple tags.


npm install complex-html-tablify

Usage Examples


Table with two tier headers

import { tablifyFromYamlString } from "complex-html-tablify"

const data = `
# The first document is treated as a table header
  - !td
  - Mars
  - !cs
  - Venus
  - !cs
  - !rs
  - &h1 Produced
  - &h2 Sold
  - *h1
  - *h2
  - !th Teddy Bears
  - 50,000
  - 30,000
  - 100,000
  - 80,000
  - !th Board Games
  - 10,000
  - 5,000
  - 12,000
  - 9,000

const caption = "Table with two tier headers"
const options = {

const htmlTable = tablifyFromYamlString(data, options) //-> HTMLTableElement
const htmlString = htmlTable.outerHTML //-> <table>...</table>


    Table with two tier headers
  <col />
  <colgroup span="2"></colgroup>
  <colgroup span="2"></colgroup>
      <td rowspan="2"></td>
      <th colspan="2">Mars</th>
      <th colspan="2">Venus</th>
      <th>Teddy Bears</th>
      <th>Board Games</th>

Data with Headers

Table with headers spanning multiple rows or columns

import { tablifyWithHeader } from "complex-html-tablify"

const firstLevelHeader = `
  - Poster name
  - Color
  - Sizes available
  - !cs
  - !cs
const secondLevelHeader = `
  - !th Zodiac
  - !th Full color
  - !rs
  - !th Black and white
  - !rs
  - !th Sepia
  - !th Angels
  - !th Black and white
  - !rs
  - !th Sepia
const header = [firstLevelHeader, secondLevelHeader]

const data = [
  ["A2", "A3", "A4"],
  ["A1", "A2", "A3"],
  ["A3", "A4", "A5"],
  ["A1", "A3", "A4"],
  ["A2", "A3", "A5"],

const caption = "Poster availability"
const options = { caption }

const htmlTable = tablifyWithHeader(data, header, options)
const htmlString = htmlTable.outerHTML


    Poster availability
  <col />
  <col />
  <colgroup span="3"></colgroup>
      <th>Poster name</th>
      <th colspan="3">Sizes available</th>
      <th rowspan="3">Zodiac</th>
      <th>Full color</th>
      <th>Black and white</th>
      <th rowspan="2">Angels</th>
      <th>Black and white</th>

Note: This library consists functional components, so you can use those in compbination.

Custom YAML Tags


  • !th: Table Header. The cell with !th tag regarded as a header.
  • !td: Table Data. The cell with !th tag regarded as a data.


You can bind cells to an above or a left cell.

  • !rs: Row Span. The cell with !rs tag is bound to the above cell together.
  • !cs: Column Span. The cell with !cs tag is bound to the left cell together.


  • callback: (val: any) => string (default: (val) => `${val}`) - Evaluate each value of cells.

  • sanitized: boolean (default: true) - Unenable HTML tags in each cell.

  • alignments: Array<{horizontal?: string; vertical?: string}> (default: []) - Align each cells of columns.

    • horiznotal: - Using the keyword values: start, end, left, right, center, justify, justify-all, or match-parent.
    • vertical: - Using the keyword values: baseline, sub, super, text-top, text-bottom, middle, top, or bottom.
  • caption: string | null (default: null) - Define a table caption.

  • defaultCellTag: {[key in HTMLTableSectionElementTagName]?: HTMLTableCellElementTagName} (default: { thead: "th", tbody: "td", tfoot: "td" }) - Define each default cell tag of sections.

    • HTMLTableSectionElementTagName: thead, tbody or tfoot
    • HTMLTableCellElementTagName: th or td