1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

compriser v1.0.0

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Compriser is a simplistic, fast templating system that allows for a component based workflow - all server-side.

How does it Work?:

how compriser works


The folder used for front-end code must have a components folder and a templates folder.

Template Files:

These are the html files without the variables/functions/components inserted. file ending: .template


${varname} is for variable/function output or components that need to be inserted. For functions you do ${funcname()} or ${funcname}. Passing arguments into functions from template files is not supported, as logic should be stored in the component files, not the template files. If an argument(s) is passed into the function, that argument(s) will simply be ignored.

Example: index.template

<!DOCTYPE html>

Component Files:

These files are where you define the variables/functions that get inserted into template files. file ending: .js

Each template file can have a 'master' component that is named the same as the template file. In this, all the variables the template uses are defined.

If a template file does not have a 'master' component, it will be outputed as-is but as a .html file when compiled.

If a component is not named the same as a template file, it is an 'add-on' component. It can be used in other components e.g. a general layout component.


Generic syntax:

variables are defined as usual.

functions that are used in template files must return something, as this is what gets inserted into the file. To make code more readable, we recommend that return statements use brackets, like so: return ('hello!');

when returning multi-line code, use the backtick "`" instead of double/single quotes and make sure the first backtick is on the same line as your first line of code, and the last backtick is on the same line as your last line of code, like so:

return (
    `<p>this is very interesting content!</p>
    <div style='position: relative; background-color: red; width: 300px; height: 300px;'>
        hello there!


return (`
    <p>this is very interesting content!</p>
    <div style='position: relative; background-color: red; width: 300px; height: 300px;'>
        hello there!

as this will add unnecessary new lines and tabs/spaces to the resultant html file.

'add-on' component Syntax:

Here is an example to showcase using 'add-on' components:


const layout = (children) => {
    return (
        `<div style='position: absolute; right: 10px;'>

module.exports = {


let title = 'hello!';

const layout = require('./layout').layout;

const content = () => {
    return (
            `<p>this is very interesting content!</p>
            <div style='position: relative; background-color: red; width: 300px; height: 300px;'>
                hello there!

module.exports = {

Backend Usage:

Non-NodeJS backend:

Use the CLI to execute the compile function, for instance when the page is requested (if the file needs to be up to date all the time).

The command to execute is compriser compile compriser_FILE_NAME -u e.g. compriser compile index -u. The directory this is executed in is where it will search for the templates and components folder, so make sure to cd to the right directory before executing the command.

Alternatively, you could do compriser compile -a (or --all), which will compile all the template files at once, if that is needed.

The -u/--update flag is for if you've added new components or templates since the last compile. For production, you should remove this flag for extra performance.

Note: you cannot compile 'add-on' components.

Go Example:

package main

import (

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        out, err := exec.Command("/bin/bash", "-c", "cd client && compriser compile index -u").Output();
        //OR compriser compile -a -u
		if err != nil {
        http.ServeFile(w, r, "client/output/index.html")
	if err := http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil); err != nil {

Rust Execute Command:

use std::process::Command;
use std::io::{self, Write};
let output = if cfg!(target_os = "windows") {
            .args(&["/C", "cd client && compriser compile index -u"]) //OR compriser compile -a -u
            .expect("failed to execute process")
} else {
            .arg("cd client && compriser compile index -u") //OR compriser compile -a -u
            .expect("failed to execute process")


PHP Execute Command:

shell_exec('cd client && compriser compile index -u');
// OR to compile all templates at once:
shell_exec('cd client && compriser -a -u');

NodeJS backend:

Use const compriser = require('compriser') to import compriser. Then, to compile a single page, do compriser.compile(path, page, true) where path is the absolute path to the folder that contains the templates and components folders, and page is a string of the name of the template name that should be compiled. The third property is optional, but if set to true it will detect new new components or templates since the last compile and add them to the internal state.This is the recommended way to use the compile function when in the development phase

Alternatively, you could do compriser.compileAll(path, true), which will compile all the template files at once, if that is needed. Again, the last parameter is optional, but if set to true it will detect new new components or templates since the last compile and add them to the internal state.

Note: you cannot compile 'add-on' components, as they do not need to be compiled.

ExpressJS Example:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const path = require('path');

const compriser = require('compriser');

async function homepage(req, res) {
    await compriser.compile(path.join(__dirname, '../client'), 'index', true); //this will execute first, making sure the output index.html file exists so no errors occur on the first request.
    res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '../client/output/index.html'));

app.get('/', (req, res) => homepage(req, res));
