1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago
concise-copyof v1.0.0
Returns a unique copy of a reference type variable such as an Array or Object.
Creates a brand new reference variable (new memory location) so a truly unique copy can be made and manipulated without interfering with the original Array / Object.
Reference type (Array / Object) behavior:
let objOne = { id: 1, type: 'customer' }
let objTwo = objOne
objTwo.id = 2
console.log(objOne.id) // Outputs 2
copyOf returns a brand new reference type distinct from original
const copyOf = require('concise-copyof')
let objOne = { id: 1, type: 'customer' }
let objTwo = copyOf(objOne)
objTwo.id = 2
console.log(objOne.id) // Outputs 1
While reference type variables come in handy on many occasions, there are times when you need to make a copy and not have the original manipulated since both variables will point to the same memory location. This is a simple and small footprint function which will return an exact copy but with a new memory location. Thereby isolating it from the original data.
6 years ago