1.2.0 • Published 5 years ago

configomatic v1.2.0

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Last release
5 years ago


Builds upon cosmiconfig to provide the ability for configuration files to infinitely extend from other config files.

tslint: Slick code style: Prettier npm semantic-release License


$ npm install configomatic

Example Config

The extends keyword can be a string:

  "extends": "some-other-package"

or an array of strings:

  "extends": ["some-other-package"]

Extending Configs

The extends keyword supports a string or an array of strings (string[]).

Any configuration file can extend from any other configuration file. The Node.js resolution algorithm is used, so relative requests, and references to package dependencies are supported.

For requests to package dependencies, the main field in package.json is respected and used to resolve a config file.

File extensions can be omitted in the request path, configomatic will attempt to resolve the request based on the configured loaders.

How it works

The default merging logic (which you can override using the merge option), uses the following logic:

{...parentConfig, ...currentConfig}

The only exception is for properties named plugins or presets, the values of these properties are merged together using the following logic:

mergedConfig[key] = [...parentConfig[key], ...currentConfig[key]]

No attempt is made to filter the presets or plugins arrays in order to make them unique, as some packages may need to rely on a plugin being used multiple times at different indexes. Additionally, no restrictions are placed on the inner array contents of presets or plugins.


configomatic is a drop-in replacement that builds on cosmiconfig, so it inherits all of it's features and documentation.

All static properties assigned to the cosmiconfig function are included in configomatic.

One major difference from cosmiconfig is that JSON5 is already configured as the default JSON parser in order to support JSON configs with comments.


Only three options have been added to the cosmiconfig options:


Custom method to merge the current configuration with the parent config that it extends.

Type: function Signature:

  merge?(currentConfig: T, parentConfig: T): T

You can also import defaultMergeFunc (same signature as above) from configomatic if you'd still like to use the default merge function before or after applying your custom merge logic.


import { defaultMergeFunc } from 'configomatic'

function merge(currentConfig, parentConfig) {
  const mergedConfig = defaultMergeFunc(currentConfig, parentConfig)
  if (mergedConfig.rules !== undefined) {
    mergedConfig.rules = {
  return mergedConfig

const explorer = configomatic('foo', { merge })


Resolve logic for configuration files, currently only one option is available:


Provide a key/value pair of a config name and the absolute path to the config file.


const explorer = configomatic('foo', {
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      'foo:recommended': path.resolve(__dirname, 'recommended.json')


Validate each loaded configuration.

This behaves very similar to the transform function in cosmiconfig:

If using search() or load() (which are async), the validate function can throw an error, return a boolean or return a Promise that resolves to a boolean. If using searchSync() or loadSync(), the function must be synchronous and throw an error or return a boolean.

Type: function Signature:

  validate?(result: ConfigResult): Promise<boolean> | boolean

Config Results

The result of load, loadSync, search, and searchSync is the same as cosmiconfig, with the addition of the extends property being included in the result object. extends is an array of all the configuration files the parent config inherits from and in the order they were processed.


Types are included in the package, and you can optionally include a return type for your configuration:

interface Config {
  foobar: string

const explorer = configomatic<Config>('your-package-name')

Now load, loadSync, search, and searchSync will resolve with your provided config type.






5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago