1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

configurator7 v1.1.0

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6 years ago


configurator7 appearance

A simple tool which takes advantage of the cli to ask the user about whatever your app needs to know and then saves the information in a JSON file to a location you want.


Install and save via npm:

npm install configurator7 --save

Then create a script file which you want to run the configurator e.g. postinstall.js. Usually you want this script to run after npm install so you have to edit your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "node postinstall.js",

Then you can load some local JSON files as templates for the files which configurator7 will save for you later.

var configJson = require('./install_files/config.json');
var datasourcesJson = require('./install_files/datasources.json');

Or you are defining some data in your script file:

var configJson = {
  name: "",
  email: "",
  password: "",
  hobbies: []
  properties: {
    isOld: false,
    mood: "bad",
    foo: 43

var datasourcesJson = {
  apis: [
      name: "",
      url: ""
      name: "",
      url: ""

Next you have to configure where to store the objects:

var configFiles = {

	"config": {
	  data: configJson,
	  targetFile: "./server/config.json",

	"datasources": {
	  data: datasourcesJson,
	  targetFile: "./server/datasources.json",


Then you can add questions which will be asked in the cli:

var questions = [
		title: "What is your name?",
		type: "default",
		required: true,
		target: {
			file: "config",
			position: "name"
		title: "And your email?",
		type: "email",
		required: true,
		target: {
			file: "config",
			position: 'email'
		title: "password:",
		type: "password",
		required: true,
		target: {
			file: "config",
			position: "password"
		title: "What are your hobbies?",
		type: "array",
		target: {
			file: "config",
			position: "hobbies"
		title: "You are old (true/false)",
		type: "boolean",
		required: true,
		target: {
			file: "config",
			position: "properties.isOld"
		title: "Add some number",
		type: "number",
		target: {
			file: "config",
			position: "properties.foo"
		title: "How would you call the first api??",
		type: "default",
		required: true,
		target: {
			file: "datasources",
			position: "apis.0.name"


Lastly you have to run the configurator and then you are done.

var configurator = new c7.configurator(configFiles, questions);

	if(err) throw err;



- processQuestions(questions: Array, callback: function): void - saveConfigurations(files: { fileId : properties }, callback: function ): void + configurator(files: { fileId : properties }, questions: Array, additionalPatterns: Array)+ run(callback: function): void