0.1.3 • Published 9 years ago
confr-upload v0.1.3
Upload configuration files from a given directory to confr-backend. Directory name is a stack name, subdirectories are services
npm -g i confr-upload
You may create alias
alias cu="confr-upload"
Directory structure example
| |-stackA
| | |-service1
| | | |-conf.es6 ConfR configuration template. Can be used for bootstraping haproxy, nginx, rabbitmq.conf and etc
| | | |-arbitrary[@env#version].file Arbitrary file
| | | |-config[@env#version].json Json-file on a service level. May have @env and #version markers
| | |-compose[@environment].yml Docker compose file for stack with all it services
| | |-config.json Json-file on a stack level. Will be merged to service-env-version files
| |-stackB
$ cu --help
Usage: confr-upload [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-u, --url [url] Url to confr-backend
-e, --env [env] Enviromnent for environment-less files. Comma-separated values
-d, --dir [dir] Stack files directory [default: cwd]
-s, --stack [stack] Override stack name [default: directory name]
-f, --filter [filter] Filter only services
$ pwd
$ LOG_LEVEL=debug cu -d ./metadata-proxy -e qa,production -u http://user:super-password@localhost:3000
[INFO] 2015-11-28 21:10:16:924 Start upload...
[INFO] 2015-11-28 21:10:16:925 uploading conf.es6
[DEBUG] 2015-11-28 21:10:16:932 started POST localhost:3000/files?stack=metadata-proxy&service=proxy&environment=qa&version=&name=conf.es6
[DEBUG] 2015-11-28 21:10:16:940 started POST localhost:3000/files?stack=metadata-proxy&service=proxy&environment=production&version=&name=conf.es6
[DEBUG] 2015-11-28 21:10:16:959 finished POST localhost:3000/files?stack=metadata-proxy&service=proxy&environment=qa&version=&name=conf.es6 with response:
[DEBUG] 2015-11-28 21:10:16:983 finished POST localhost:3000/files?stack=metadata-proxy&service=proxy&environment=production&version=&name=conf.es6 with response:
[INFO] 2015-11-28 21:10:16:984 uploaded /metadata-proxy/proxy/qa/conf.es6
[INFO] 2015-11-28 21:10:16:984 uploaded /metadata-proxy/proxy/production/conf.es6
Short usage
- define
environment variable in.bash_profile
or other shell - Environments will be loaded from
file if you are usingrancher-cli
- alias cud="confr-upload -d"
- cd to root directory
And now:
$ cud your-stack [service]