0.0.1 • Published 8 years ago

connect-ensure-permissions v0.0.1

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Last release
8 years ago


Similar to connect-ensure-login and you should use ensure-login in conjugation with this package.



Simply install this package using npm as

$npm install --save connect-ensure-permissions

Ensuring permissions

You can simply add this as a route middleware in any connect friendly library as express or connect in nodejs as follows.

import createPermissionChecker from 'connect-ensure-permissions';

const checkPermission = createPermissionChecker();

req.get('/foo/bar', checkPermission('foo'), function (req, res) {
    res.send('Hurray I can foo');

By default his package assumes that req.user.scope will represent the permissions that the user has. You can however, pass a custom function to extract an array of permissions from the request. As follows.

import createPermissionChecker from 'connect-ensure-permissions';

const checkPermission = createPermissionChecker(function (req){
    return req.session.permissions;

req.get('/foo/bar', checkPermission('foo'), function (req, res) {
    res.send('Hurray I can foo');

In the above example we are assuming that the permissions were set at a time in the past in the users session.

Todo in future

  • Allow passing array of permissions and multiple permissions.
  • Add test.