0.0.2 • Published 12 years ago
connect-fonts-exo v0.0.2
Exo fontpack for connect-fonts.
- Include connect-fonts in a node module.
const font_middleware = require("connect-fonts");
- Include the font packs that you want to serve.
const font_pack = require("connect-fonts-exo");
- Add a middleware by calling the
fonts: [ font_pack ],
allow_origin: "https://exampledomain.com"
- Add a link tag to include the font CSS.
<link href="/exo-black-italic/fonts.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/ >
Multiple fonts from the family can be included by using a comma separated list of fonts:
<link href="/exo-black-italic,exo-black,exo-bold-italic,exo-bold,exo-demibold-italic,exo-demibold,exo-extrabold-italic,exo-extrabold,exo-extralight-italic,exo-extralight,exo-light-italic,exo-light,exo-medium-italic,exo-medium,exo-regular-italic,exo-regular,exo-thin-italic,exo-thin/fonts.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/ >
Available fonts:
- exo-black-italic
- exo-black
- exo-bold-italic
- exo-bold
- exo-demibold-italic
- exo-demibold
- exo-extrabold-italic
- exo-extrabold
- exo-extralight-italic
- exo-extralight
- exo-light-italic
- exo-light
- exo-medium-italic
- exo-medium
- exo-regular-italic
- exo-regular
- exo-thin-italic
- exo-thin
Locale-optimised font sets can be served by specifying the locale in the fonts.css URL.
<link href="/latin/exo-black-italic/fonts.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/ >
Available subsets:
- latin
- en
- Set your CSS up to use the new font by using the "Exo" font-family.
body {
font-family: 'Exo', 'sans-serif', 'serif';
Font Info
- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2011 Natanael Gama (exo@ndiscovered.com), with Reserved Font Name "Exo"
Development Info
- Homepage: https://github.com/shane-tomlinson/connect-fonts-exo
- Repo: https://github.com/shane-tomlinson/connect-fonts-exo
- Shane Tomlinson
- shane@shanetomlinson.com
- stomlinson@mozilla.com
- set117@yahoo.com
- https://shanetomlinson.com
- https://github.com/shane-tomlinson
- https://github.com/stomlinson
- @shane_tomlinson
Software: Licenced under version 2.0 of the MPL