1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

connect-hooks v1.0.0

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Last release
6 years ago


How to use:

Convert hooks to higherOrders like so:

const withWindowSize = connectHooks([
    hook: useWindowSize,
    toProps: windowSize => ({ windowSize })
// You can also combine multiple hooks into one HoC:

const withWindowSizeAndScrollPosition = connectHooks([
    hook: useWindowScrollPosition,
    toProps: scrollPosition => ({ scrollPosition })
    hook: useWindowSize,
    toProps: windowSize => ({ windowSize })

Or use connectHooks directly like so:

export default connectHooks([
    hook: useFetch,
    hookArgs: ["https://swapi.co/api/people/1"],
    toProps: ([isLoading, data]) => ({ isLoading, data })
  class ClassComponent extends React.Component {
    // ...
    render() {
      this.props.isLoading ? "loading" : this.props.data


Using this, you can refactor your codebase's existing HoCs into hooks while continuing to use them with your old class components.

Long term, connectHooks probably isn't that helpful. Hooks elimate the need for class components, and in functional components you can call hooks directly.

It can help with the transition period though, and it was fun to code 😉.