0.1.2 • Published 9 years ago

connect-mongoose-model v0.1.2

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Apache License
Last release
9 years ago


Port of kcbanner's Connect-Mongo (MongoStore) to use mongoose models for storing sessions.


npm install connect-mongoose-model

Quick example

In a real setup, your layout will probably be different.

var // node requirements:
express = require('express'),
mongoose = require('mongoose'),
connectMongoose = require('connect-mongoose-model');

var // create a minimalistic schema for storing sessions data:
Schema = mongoose.Schema,
Session = mongoose.model('Session', new Schema({
  sid: String,
  data: String,
  lastActivity: {
    type: Date,
    expires: 900 // removed automatically after 15 minutes of no activity <3 mongo.

// create a connectMongoose store prototype which is linked on the mongoose model:
mongooseStore = connectMongoose(express, Session),

// connect to your database
db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test'),

// create our express application instance:
app = express();

// configure express session with our session store:
  secret: 'your own secret here',
  store: new mongooseStore({
    clear_interval: 900 // every 15 minutes
  cookie: {
    maxAge: 1209600 * 1000 // 2 weeks


The mongooseStore prototype accepts the following options, in addition to those inherited from the connect memory store:

propertySessionIdsidModel property that holds session id (i.e. PADiGWwMH2Ym2iKuMQVV6SPM) not ObjectId (that's _id)
propertyDatadataModel property that holds the session data
propertyLastActivitylastActivityModel property that remembers last activity of this session (this is updated on session.set())
updateLastActivitytrueIf the session's lastActivity should be on set()
defaultExpirationTime86400000Default expiration time for the cookie. (default is 24hrs)