1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

console-scope v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


Little enhancement for the console tool.


console.scope(scope_name, ...args)

The first parameter is the scope_name.

Scope accept N arguments.


If you use a dark theme in your console, you must set this value at true.

console.defineScope(scope_name, font_color, additional_css)

Use this function to predifine the scope style.

The font_color accept hexacode or rgb or a predefined color name.

The additional_css is to add additional CSS like background color, font-size, font-famile, text-shadow, etc. You must right it in inlinne CSS style.


Use this function to predefine multiple scope style

The scopes variable is an object, that take has property name the scope name and the proprety is an object with 2 optionnals properties color and css.

Predefinned color available

red => #f44336

pink => #e91e63

purple => #9c27b0

deepPurple => #673AB7

indigo => #3F51B5

blue => #2196F3

lightBlue => #03A9F4

cyan => #00BCD4

teal => #009688

green => #4CAF50

lightGreen => #8BC34A

lime => #CDDC39

yellow => #FFEB3B

amber => #FFC107

orange => #FF9800

deepOrange => #FF5722

brown => #795548

grey => #9E9E9E

blueGrey => #607D8B