2.0.6 • Published 5 years ago

consolefs v2.0.6

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Last release
5 years ago


ConsoleFS is a open-source alternative to FS with easier use made by Javier107 (Current version : 2.0.6)

To-do list :

  • Add rename function
  • Add move function
  • Add copy function
  • Add function for read a directory
  • Add functions for append to JSON, ENV and INI files

Extra :

  • ConsoleFS only works on Windows, Linux and Mac
  • ConsoleFS supports relative paths

Changelog :

  • 2.0.6
  • Fix list.js's error (Another one)
  • 2.0.5
  • Fixed list.js and other details
  • 2.0.4
  • Fixed 2.0.3's big error with the list function
  • 2.0.3 (Hidden)
  • Added function for read a directory
  • 2.0.2
  • Created a changelog in README.md
  • Fixed error with \\n in linux/mac
  • Fixed error with the append function that overwrited instead


# Installing ConsoleFS
npm i consoleFS



Setup and basic functions like checking, deleting and other small things can be found on this sub-section

  • Requiring ConsoleFS
// Requiring ConsoleFS
const ConsoleFS = require('consolefs');
  • Checking a file or directory's existence
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file/dir you want to check
    • ConsoleFS.exist() returns a boolean value
// Checking if a file or directory exists
if (ConsoleFS.exist(file)) {
  // File/Dir exists
} else {
  // File/Dir don't exists
  • Deleting a file or directory
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file/dir you want to delete
    • ConsoleFS.del() don't asks before deleting. It just deletes. so be careful where you use this. I don't make responsable if you delete a important file on your PC because you must be aware of what you do when managing files using ConsoleFS
// Deleting a file or directory
  • Detect if a path is a file or directory
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the path you want to check
    • ConsoleFS.typeof() returns a string which can be 'file' or 'directory'
    • ConsoleFS.typeof() can't get the type of a path if it doens't exist
// Checking the type of a file/directory
var type = ConsoleFS.typeof(path);
// type can be 'file' or 'directory'
  • Get the files and folders in a directory
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the path you want to check
    • Optionally, you can pass an object with the properties "files" and "folders" which must be booleans.
      • When an object is used, it will return only the files or folders depending what is enabled and what disabled
      • If no object is used, then folders and files will be returned
    • ConsoleFS.list() returns an array with the contents of the directory
    • ConsoleFS.list() can't read a directory if it doens't exist
// Reading the contents of a directory
var files = ConsoleFS.list(path, {
  files: true,
  folders: false


ConsoleFS.write can't create a file if the directory where is created doens't exists. ConsoleFS.write overwrites files in case they exist so be careful. I don't make responsable if you overwrite a important file on your PC because you must be aware of what you do when managing files using ConsoleFS

  • Writing a text file
    • You must pass as argument a string which contains the text you want to include on the file
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file you're gonna write
// Writing a text file
ConsoleFS.write.INT(text, file);
  • Writing a JSON file
    • You must pass as argument a object so is converted to JSON
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file you're gonna write
// Writing a JSON file
ConsoleFS.write.JSON(object, file);
  • Writing a INI file
    • You must pass as argument a object that follows the same structure of the object returned when reading a INI file
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file you're gonna write
// Writing a INI file
ConsoleFS.write.INI(object, file);
  • Writing a file with HEX values
    • You must pass as argument a buffer with the values you're gonna use for write the file
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file you're gonna write
// Writing a file with HEX values
ConsoleFS.write.HEX(buffer, file);
  • Writing a ENV file
    • You must pass as argument a object with only strings inside
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file you're gonna write
// Writing a ENV file
ConsoleFS.write.ENV(object, file);


ConsoleFS.append can't add to a file that doens't exists. ConsoleFS.append.INT and ConsoleFS.append.HEX adds values/characters after the last value/character on the file.

  • Adding text to a file
    • You must pass as argument a string which contains the text you want to add to the file
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file where you'll add the text
// Adding text to a file
ConsoleFS.append.INT(text, file);
  • Adding HEX values to a file
    • You must pass as argument a buffer with the values you want to add to the file
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file where you'll add the text
// Adding HEX values to a file
ConsoleFS.append.HEX(buffer, file);
  • Adding an object to a INI file
    • You must pass as argument a object that follows the same structure of the object returned when reading a INI file
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file where you'll add the text
    • The object and the file will be combined and the keys that already exist on the file will be replaced with the new ones
// Adding an object to a INI file
ConsoleFS.append.INI(object, file);
  • Adding an object to a JSON file
    • You must pass as argument a object so is converted to JSON
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file where you'll add the text
    • The object and the file will be combined. The objects will be merged and other values will be replaced by the new ones if they exist
// Adding an object to a JSON file
ConsoleFS.append.JSON(object, file);
  • Adding an object to a ENV file
    • You must pass as argument a object that only has strings inside
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file where you'll add the text
    • The object and the file will be combined and the keys that already exist on the file will be replaced with the new ones
// Adding an object to a ENV file
ConsoleFS.append.ENV(object, file);


ConsoleFS.read doens't generates cache so the result is always updated.

  • Reading a text file
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file you want to read
    • The content of the file is returned as a string
// Reading a text file
var contentTXT = ConsoleFS.read.INT(file);
  • Reading a JSON file
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file you want to read
    • The content of the file is returned as a object
// Reading a JSON file
var contentJSON = ConsoleFS.read.JSON(file);
  • Reading a INI file
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file you want to read
    • The content of the file is returned as a object
    • The format of the returned object is Object[Section][Key]
// Reading a INI file
var contentINI = ConsoleFS.read.INI(file);
  • Reading a ENV file
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file you want to read
    • The keys on the file are added to process.env with their respective values.
    • The function returns an array which contains the keys that the file had which were added to process.env
// Reading a ENV file
var keysENV = ConsoleFS.read.ENV(file);
  • Reading the HEX values of a file
    • You must pass as argument a string that contains the full/relative path of the file you want to read
    • The HEX values of the file is returned as a buffer
// Reading a file's HEX values
var contentHEX = ConsoleFS.read.HEX(file);



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5 years ago