consumet.custom v0.0.1
consumet.ts is a Node library which provides high-level APIs to get information about several entertainment mediums like books, movies, comics, anime, manga, etc.
Quick Start
To use consumet.ts in your project, run:
yarn add @consumet/extensions
# or "npm i @consumet/extensions"
Example - searching for a book using the libgen provider.
import { BOOKS } from "@consumet/extensions"
// Create a new instance of the Libgen provider
const books = new BOOKS.Libgen();
// Search for a book. In this case, "Pride and Prejudice"
const data ='pride and prejudice').then(data => {
// print results
Example - searching for anime using the gogoanime provider.
import { ANIME } from "@consumet/extensions"
// Create a new instance of the Gogoanime provider
const gogoanime = new ANIME.Gogoanime();
// Search for an anime. In this case, "One Piece"
const results ="One Piece").then(data => {
// print results
Do you want to know more? Head to the Getting Started
- Rest-API Reference - public rest api documentation
- Examples - examples of using consumet.ts.
- Provider Status - A list of providers and their status.
- Changelog - See the latest changes.
- Discord Server - Join our discord server and chat with the maintainers.
Provider Request
Make a new issue with the name of the provider on the title, as well as a link to the provider in the body paragraph.
Check out contributing guide to get an overview of consumet.ts development.
You can contact the maintainers of consumet.ts via email, or join the discord server (Recommended).
Contributors ✨
Thanks to the following people for keeping this project alive and thriving.
- Anify API - Used as a caching layer for the meta/anilist provider to speed up responses.
Licensed under GPL-3.0.
3 months ago