0.2.8 • Published 2 years ago

content-recommender v0.2.8

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Last release
2 years ago

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A content recommendation system for Node.js based on Pearson correlation.

  • Creates unique UUIDs for each user visiting a website and stores in in localStorage
  • Keeps a log of each users page visits in a database. Currently supports fs and MongoDB
  • Calculates recommendations for paths to recommend new users based on similar users' visits

Table of Contents


npm install content-recommender



const contentRecommender = require('content-recommender/server');


import contentRecommender from 'content-recommender/client';

Setup examples


Client (Coming soon..)

  • Pure JavaScript
  • React.js
  • Next.js



Creates a random UUID for the current user, stores it to localStorage and returns it. If there already is a UUID, it is not changed.


ParameterDescriptionisRequiredDefault value
localStorageKey: stringKey to be used to store user IDs in localStoragefalse'cr-id'

Return value

A string containing the user ID, e.g. '653d4b67-7aca-4ceb-ae1a-9f1d73573e01'


Sends an HTTP request to the server with all the required information to store the page visit. Meant to point to an endpoint utilizing server.addPageVisitFs(options) or server.addPageVisitMongo(options)


ParameterDescriptionisRequiredDefault value
options: objecttrueundefined
options.baseUrl: stringBase of the server URL, e.g. 'http://myapi.com'trueundefined
options.currentPath: stringPathname of the current pagefalsewindow.location.pathname
options.localStorageKey: stringKey that was used to store used IDs in localStoragefalse'cr-id'
options.apiEndPoint: stringThe server endpoint that receives to HTTP requestfalse'/pageVisit'
options.userIdParameterName: stringKey to be used in query parameters for the user IDfalse'userId'
options.pathParameterName: stringKey to be used in query parameters for the current pathfalse'path'
options.fetchOptions: objectOptions that will be directly passed to fetch()*false{ method: 'GET' }

* = content-recommender internally uses the fetch API options.fetchOptions is passed directly to fetch function call: fetch(url, fetchOptions)

Return value

Response object directly from await fetch()


Gets a content recommendation for the current user from the server. Meant to point to an endpoint utilizing server.getRecommendationFs(options) or server.getRecommendationMongo(options)


ParameterDescriptionisRequiredDefault value
options: objecttrueundefined
options.baseUrl: stringBase of the server URL, e.g. 'http://myapi.com'trueundefined
options.currentPath: stringPathname of the current page. Used to filter out current path from recommendationsfalsewindow.location.pathname
options.localStorageKey: stringKey was is used to store used IDs in localStoragefalse'cr-id'
options.apiEndPoint: stringThe server endpoint that receives to HTTP requestfalse'/getRecommendation'
options.userIdParameterName: stringKey to be used in query parameters for the user IDfalse'userId'
options.pathParameterName: stringKey to be used in query parameters for the current pathfalse'currentPath'
options.fetchOptions: objectOptions that will be directly passed to fetch()*false{ method: 'GET' }

* = content-recommender internally uses the fetch API options.fetchOptions is passed directly to fetch function call: fetch(url, fetchOptions)

Return value

An object containing pathnames and scores for each path:

  "/blog/somePost": 0.92212312,
  "/blog/otherPost": 0.12227173,
  "/blog/yetAnotherPost": -0.28388191

The score is a value between -1 and 1. The larger the score is, the more recommendation system thinks that path is a good recommendation for the user.

If the database is empty, has less than 3 users, or none of the users have visited paths that are not the user's current path, an empty object is returned


Reads the database, adds an entry for a page visit and writes it back to the database.


ParameterDescriptionisRequiredDefault value
options: objecttrueundefined
options.userId: stringThe user ID of the current usertrueundefined
options.path: stringThe current path of the user to be stored to databasetrueundefined
options.readFromDatabase: functionA function that returns the entire database containing page visits for all userstrueundefined
options.writeToDatabase: functionA function that writes the entire to the databasetrueundefined

Return value

An object containing the updated database:

  "user1": {
    "/blog/somePost": 2,
    "/blog/otherPost": 21,
    "/blog/yetAnotherPost": 2
  "user2": {
    "/blog/somePost": 12,
    "/blog/otherPost": 1,
    "/blog/yetAnotherPost": 212


Calculates the confidence scores based on how much the system thinks a specific path should be recommended to the current user


ParameterDescriptionisRequiredDefault value
options: objecttrueundefined
options.userId: stringThe user ID of the current usertrueundefined
options.readFromDatabase: functionA function that returns the entire database containing page visits for all userstrueundefined
options.currentPath: stringThe current path of the user. Is provided, gets filtered out from the recommendationfalseundefined
options.amount: numberAmount of paths the recommendation should containfalse10

Return value

An object containing pathnames and scores for each path:

  "/blog/somePost": 0.92212312,
  "/blog/otherPost": 0.12227173,
  "/blog/yetAnotherPost": -0.28388191

The score is a value between -1 and 1. The larger the score is, the more recommendation system thinks that path is a good recommendation for the user.


Writes an entry for a page visit for a user to the database.


ParameterDescriptionisRequiredDefault value
options: objecttrueundefined
options.userId: stringThe user ID of the current usertrueundefined
options.path: stringThe current path of the user to be stored to databasetrueundefined
options.UserModel: functionThe mongoose model for a User in databasetrueundefined

Return value

Newly updated user as an object


Calculates the confidence scores based on how much the system thinks a specific path should be recommended to the current user


ParameterDescriptionisRequiredDefault value
options: objecttrueundefined
options.userId: stringThe user ID of the current usertrueundefined
options.UserModel: functionThe mongoose model for a User in databasetrueundefined
options.currentPath: stringThe current path of the user. Is provided, gets filtered out from the recommendationfalseundefined
options.amount: numberAmount of paths the recommendation should containfalse10

Return value

An object containing pathnames and scores for each path:

  "/blog/somePost": 0.92212312,
  "/blog/otherPost": 0.12227173,
  "/blog/yetAnotherPost": -0.28388191


Calculates the recommendations for each user in the database at once and stores them in the database


ParameterDescriptionisRequiredDefault value
options: objecttrueundefined
options.UserModel: functionThe mongoose model for a User in databasetrueundefined
options.amount: numberAmount of paths the recommendations should containfalse10

Return value

The entire database of users, including the newly calculated recommendations for each


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