0.1.7 • Published 8 years ago

contentful-express v0.1.7

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Last release
8 years ago


Static site generator + development server for Contentful data in Node.js.


npm install contentful-express -g


New Project

mkdir my-project

cd my-project

contentful-express init

Run Server

contentful-express server

Run Sync

contentful-express sync

Run Build

contentful-express build

Print Help

contentful-express help

ProperJS/App scaffold

When using the default client-side application scaffold, you can start the project using bin scripts. This boots the dev server and runs webpack.




The config.js file is your settings file for this tool. It's set to work out of the box with all the defaults. Make sure you add your contentful space ID and accessToken to it.

    contentful: {
        space: {spaceId}
        accessToken: {accessToken}

All settings in this file can be changed.

Data + Routes

This tool maps your Contentful contentTypes to a node dev server and a static site builder. How does that work?

If you have a contentType called Artist with an id of artist you get the following routes:


The first one is a listing of all entries for the contentType. The second one is a single entry post by ID.

No data from Contentful is altered in any way before passing it to your templates. The one modification is the addition of a property on an Entry called static. This makes an Entry look like this:

    sys: {object},
    fields: {object},
    static: {
        url: {string}

The addition of the static url is so you can create links in your templates to your entry details. Since the urls config option is available, this static url is correctly normalized for you and honored for the server and the static build.

Obviously you may not want your URLs to use the :id field for an entry detail template. That's ok. You can specify a field(s) to process as an entry slug. The value must be a regular expression.

    urls: {
        field: /name|title/


Your templates are generated in a similar way to how the routes are mapped. For each contentType you get an entry.html and an entries.html template. So, for Artist you get the following:


The default template language is ejs. This tool uses consolidate so you can use any of the supported languages there. You need to provide the template engine you wish to use. Say you would like to use mustache. You would do the following:

Install mustache as a local dependency for your project.

npm install mustache --save-dev

Provide the mustache ref to consolidate through config.js.

    template: {
        lang: "mustache",
        engine: require( "mustache" )

The following data context is exposed to all templates. The caveat being that entry and entries are contextual to whether you are looking at a contentType list of entries or a single entry by contentType.

    space: {object},
    static: {object},
    staticPages: {array},
    contentTypes: {array},

    // Exposed to entry.html
    entry?: {object},

    // Exposed to entries.html
    entries?: {array}

Ignore Types

Most likely you'll not want all of your contentTypes to have a routing map. You can use the ignore field in config.js to specify an array of contentTypes to omit from routing and templating.

    ignore: [

Data Mapping

You can specify data mapping to contentType routes and static page routes using the mapping option in config.js.

    mapping: {
        // Map set of contentTypes to homepage, "/"
        // This will include all entries for all contentTypes mapped
        "index": [

        // Map a single entry to a static page, "/about/"
        // This will include the single entry that is mapped by contentType
        "about": {
            // The contentType
            "type": "page",

            // How to match an entry by a field value
            "entry": {
                "field": "name",
                "value": "About"


A scaffold is generated for you in the directory you call prismic-express init within. This starts your templates for the dev server and site generator.

It also pulls in ProperJS/App as your client-side application scaffold. Check the ProperJS/App readme for more on this.

If you don't want to use ProperJS/App, simply trash it and start from scratch or use some other boilerplate you prefer.


Static Pages

Any .html file created in the templates root directory will be generated into a static page with no context data from Contentful. So, about.html becomes /about/ as an active route. By default the index.html template is reserved as the homepage.

Pull Requests

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago