0.0.1-alpha.26 • Published 12 months ago

contentlayer-source-notion v0.0.1-alpha.26

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12 months ago

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⚠️ Alpha test🎲 Features🚀 Get started🔧 Configure✍ Contribute

Contentlayer Source Notion is a Contentlayer plugin to use Notion.so as a content source.

⚠️ Alpha test

This plugin is actually under heavy-development, use it at your own risks or for testing purposes only.

You can contribute to this project by listing bugs and giving ideas on the issues of this repository.

Do not report bugs related to contentlayer-source-notion in the official repository.

🎲 Features

  • Generate your content from Notion Databases
  • Automatically infer the type of your properties
  • Render HTML from your Rich Text properties and pages content (@notion-render/client)
  • Filter and sorts pages queried from your databases
  • Use Rollup and Relation properties with ease
  • Recompute values to create new fields (computed fields)
  • Iteration and cache system to work safely with ton of pages

🚀 Getting started

1. Install Contentlayer, Notion source plugin and dependencies

$ npm install contentlayer contentlayer-source-notion @notionhq/client
$ yarn add contentlayer contentlayer-source-notion @notionhq/client

2. Create a database

Save your database ID, it should be available in the url: /myworkspace/fe26b972ec3f4b32a1882230915fe111?v=b56e97ee99a74f3f8c3ee80543fe22c6

My integrations

3. Get a Notion Token

To interact with Notion you need to create an integration and give it the correct permissions. Create a new integration by heading to the following link.

You should then have your Notion Token, also called Internal Integration Token.

My integrations

4. Add the integration to your databases

By default, your integration does not have any permissions. On each databases you want to query, click on the ••• in the top right corner.

Click on Add connection and select your Integration. Your token should now have access to your database.

5. Configure Contentlayer

import { makeSource, defineDatabase } from 'contentlayer-source-notion'
import * as notion from '@notionhq/client'

const client = new notion.Client({
  auth: '<notion_token>',

const Category = defineDatabase(() => ({
  name: 'Category',
  databaseId: '<database_id>',
  importContent: false,

const Post = defineDatabase(() => ({
  name: 'Post',
  databaseId: '<database_id>',
  importContent: false,
  fields: {
    category: {
      type: 'relation',
      single: true,
      of: Category,

export default makeSource({
  databaseTypes: [Category, Post],

Read more on how to configure contentlayer-source-notion here

🔧 Configure

Source plugin options

import { makeSource } from 'contentlayer-source-notion'

export default makeSource({
  databaseTypes: [],

The PluginOptions supports the following parameters. Thoses options are defined when using makeSource.

OptionDefault valueTypeDescription
clientClientThe Notion Client used to query the Notion API.
rendererundefinedNotionRendererThe renderer used to transform Notion Blocks into HTML
databaseTypesDatabaseType[] \| Record<string, DatabaseType>The databases definitions.

Database definition options

import { defineDatabase } from 'contentlayer-source-notion'

const Post = defineDatabase(() => ({
  name: 'Post',
  databaseId: '<database_id>',
  importContent: false,
  automaticImport: true,
  fields: {
    email: {
      name: 'Email',
      description: 'The author email',
      isRequired: true,

The DatabaseTypeDef supports the following parameters. Thoses options are defined when using defineDatabase.

OptionDefault valueTypeDescription
namestringThe name of this content used to generate types and constants names.
descriptionundefinedstringThe description of this content used to generate comments
databaseIdstringThe database ID where your pages will be queried from
automaticImportundefinedboolBy default, all your properties will be generated. By disabling automatic import you can whitelist the properties you want to use. Useful when you have sensitive content in your page properties
importContentundefinedboolBy default, your page content will be generated. Disable it if you only want to use the properties.
queryundefinedQueryDatabaseParametersFilter and sorts the page queried from the Notion API. More information on the @notionhq/client repository
fieldsundefinedRecord<string, DatabaseFieldTypeDef> \| DatabaseFieldTypeDef[]The fields definitions. When using Record<string, DatabaseFieldTypeDef> the key will be used as the key option.

Field definition options

The DatabaseFieldTypeDef supports the following parameters. Thoses options are defined when using defineDatabase.

OptionDefault valueTypeDescription
id\|namestringThe id or name of the property you want to configure.
keyundefinedstringMap this property to a specific key. Defaults to the property name.
descriptionundefinedstringField description used to generate comments.
isRequiredfalseboolWhen required, pages without this property defined will not be generated.

Configure the Notion Client

This plugin depends on the official Notion JS SDK, you can find more information on how to configure it on the following repository.

import { makeSource, defineDatabase } from 'contentlayer-source-notion'
import * as notion from '@notionhq/client'

const client = new notion.Client({
  auth: '<notion_token>',

export default makeSource({
  databaseTypes: [],

Configure the Notion Renderer

Rich text properties and your pages content must be renderer, you can find more information on how to configure it on the following repository.

import { makeSource, defineDatabase } from 'contentlayer-source-notion'
import { NotionRenderer } from '@notion-render/client'
import * as notion from '@notionhq/client'

const client = new notion.Client({
  auth: '<notion_token>',

const renderer = new NotionRenderer({ client })

export default makeSource({
  databaseTypes: [],

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