0.0.2 • Published 10 years ago
context-events v0.0.2
Node's event emitter with optional context argument, like Backbone.
Forked from https://github.com/Gozala/events
Use require('context-events/monkey') to get a patched version of the original Events. Should be fully backwords compatible, only acts differently when given context argument.
npm install context-events
var EventEmitter = require('context-events')
See the node.js event emitter docs
Modified proto methods
All context arguments are optional
addListener / on / once (type, listener, context)
Set the context the listener will be called from it.
The first argument in the callback will be the callee. Example:
emitter.on('type', listener, context);
emitter.emit('type', arg1, arg2);
listener.call(context, emitter, arg1, arg2)
removeListener (type, listener, context)
Remove a listener added with a context
removeAllListeners (type, context)
Remove listeners with a certain context, type null for all