1.0.1 • Published 8 years ago

cook-export v1.0.1

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Last release
8 years ago

Cook Export

npm version

Cook Export is a command line tool by Thomas Pritchard to export your recipes from the recipe app, Cook. My mother uses this app to store all of her recipes, but since it hasn't received updates in a while, we were a little worried about being locked-in. After emailing the team at Cook asking for an official export tool, and receiving no reply, I decided to make my own.


You can install this command line tool using the command: npm install cook-export.

Alternatively, you can use git clone https://github.com/tpritc/cook-export.git, and run ./cook-export.js instead of cook-export.


You'll need a file with a list of URLs separated by line-breaks, such as this:


Then, on the command line use the format cook-export <url-file> <output-file.json>. For example, I typically use cook-export recipe-urls.txt 20160214-recipe-backup.json.

If you want help, try cook-export help.


If something doesn't look right, or you want to add a feature, it's also pretty easy to contribute.

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Hack the shit out of it
  3. Submit a pull request here
  4. I'll approve it if it's not awful
  5. ???
  6. Profit