2.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

cookie-api v2.0.2

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Cookie API

A handy set of APIs to manage browser cookies.

Why cookie-api

  • You Can use it in NodeJs or any Browser.
  • You don't have to worry about character encoding.
  • dependency-free.
  • JSON support out of the box.
  • Base64 encoding/decoding out of the box.
  • Pre-compressed version included.
  • Tiny (2.8 kb UMD minified).
  • Available through NPM or JsDelivr CDN.
  • Available as API style and Builder class style.
  • Compatible with Angular, React and Vue.
  • Strictly typed, build with the lovely TypeScript ❤️.

API style

API is a set of functions for adding reading deleting cookies and so on.

API functions

addCookieAdd a new cookie to the document only if no cookie exists with the same name.
setCookieSet a new cookie to the document, this will override any existing cookie with the same name.
getAllCookiesGet all visible cookies as { name: value } pairs.
getCookieGet cookie's value by its name or return the default value.
getCookieDecodedGet cookie's decoded value by its name or return the default value.
deleteCookieDelete a cookie by its name.
deleteAllCookiesDelete all visible cookies.
cookieExistsCheck if a cookie exists by its name.
cookieHasValueCheck if a cookie exists by the given name and whether or not it has the given value.

API usage example

Setting a cookie.

import { setCookie, getAllCookies } from 'cookie-api';

setCookie('name', 'value');

console.log(getAllCookies()); // returns { name: "value" }

Setting a cookie with options.

import { setCookie, getAllCookies } from 'cookie-api';

setCookie('name', 'value', { maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, secure: true });

console.log(getAllCookies()); // returns { name: "value" }

Setting a cookie with encoded value.

import { setCookie, getCookie, getCookieDecoded } from 'cookie-api';

setCookie('name', 'value', { encode: true });

console.log(getCookie('name')); // returns "dmFsdWU%3D"
console.log(getCookieDecoded('name')); // returns "value"

Setting a cookie with JSON value.

import { setCookie, getCookie } from 'cookie-api';

setCookie('name', { key: 'value' });

console.log(getCookie('name')); // returns '{ "key": "value" }'

Reading a cookie.

import { getCookie } from 'cookie-api';

console.log(getCookie('name')); // returns the value of "name" or empty string

Reading a cookie with default value.

import { getCookie } from 'cookie-api';

console.log(getCookie('name', 'defaultValue')); // returns the value of "name" or "defaultValue"

Deleting a cookie.

import { deleteCookie } from 'cookie-api';


Deleting all visible cookies.

import { deleteAllCookies } from 'cookie-api';


Builder style

Cookie builder is a builder class that have the exact same functionality as API style but in a fluent way.

Builder class functions

static getCreates new cookie builder class based on an existing cookie.
static getDecodedCreates new cookie builder class with an encoded value based on an existing cookie.
setNameSet Cookie's name.
getNameGet Cookie's name.
setValueSet cookie's value.
getValueGet cookie's value if exists, otherwise the default value.
setPathSet cookie's path.
getPathGet cookie's path.
setDomainSet cookie's domain.
getDomainGet cookie's domain.
setExpDateSet cookie's expiration date.
getExpDateGet cookie's expiration date.
setMaxAgeSet cookie's maxAge.
getMaxAgeGet cookie's maxAge.
setSecureSet cookie's secure flag.
isSecureGet cookie's secure flag.
setEncodeSet cookie's encode option.
isEncodedGet cookie's encode option.
saveSave this cookie to the document.

Builder usage example

Setting a cookie.

import { Cookie } from 'cookie-api';

new Cookie('name', 'value').save();

// or

new Cookie()

console.log(Cookie.get('name').getValue()); // returns "value"

Setting a cookie with options.

import { Cookie } from 'cookie-api';

new Cookie('name', 'value', {
  path: '/',
  expDate: 'Tue, 13 Aug 2020 10:29:45 GMT'

// or

new Cookie()
  .setExpDate('Tue, 13 Aug 2020 10:29:45 GMT')

console.log(Cookie.get('name').getValue()); // returns "value"

Setting a cookie with encoded value.

import { Cookie } from 'cookie-api';

new Cookie('name', 'value', { encode: true }).save();

// or

new Cookie()

console.log(Cookie.get('name').getValue()); // returns "value"
console.log(Cookie.getDecoded('name').getValue()); // returns "value"

Setting a cookie with JSON value.

import { Cookie } from 'cookie-api';

new Cookie('name', { key: 'value' }).save();

// or

new Cookie()
  .setValue({ key: 'value' })

console.log(Cookie.get('name').getValue()); // returns '{ "key": "value" }'

Reading a cookie.

import { Cookie } from 'cookie-api';

console.log(Cookie.get('name').getValue()); // returns the value of "name" or empty string

Reading a cookie with default value.

import { Cookie } from 'cookie-api';

console.log(Cookie.get('name', 'defaultValue').getValue()); // returns the value of "name" or "defaultValue"

Note about the builder class

Using the builder class will not save any changes to the document untill you call the save function.

import { Cookie } from 'cookie-api';

// name and value are saved in memory but takes no effect at the document.
const cookie = new Cookie().setName('name').setValue('value');

// you have to call save to actually save it.

Available options

Available cookie options for both API and Builder class.

expDate (aka expires)string or Date''

Using the CDN version

You can import it directly in the browser by adding the script below in your web page.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cookie-api2.0.2/dist/umd/index.js"></script>

Both the API and the builder class are available under the CookieAPI namespace.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cookie-api2.0.2/dist/umd/index.js"></script>
  CookieAPI.setCookie('name', 'value');
  console.log(CookieAPI.getAllCookies()); // returns { name: "value" }


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