0.1.0-canary.0 • Published 3 years ago

coral-css v0.1.0-canary.0

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Last release
3 years ago

Coral CSS Comments!


  • We are using Coral v6.7.2

Getting Started

  1. Make sure you are on Z-Scaler (boooo)
  2. Ask Amanda or Art to send you an invite to access the Coral admin
  3. Make sure your /etc/hosts file has aliased to local.washingtonpost.com
  4. Run yarn. Then yarn watch-coral-css to run the local dev server. Hot tip! It has hot module replacement.
  5. Go to http://local.washingtonpost.com:1234/coral-css/ to see the local instance of the comments embed
  6. When you add a new file to src/components/, you may have to re-run your yarn command for the styles to apply

Coral CSS Helpful Docs

Next steps

  1. make coral-css into a npm package
  2. when package is published, create a public directory like so /public/<X.X.X>/ for the CDN

How our environments work


On dev, we point to our local server. We will change this as we move into VQA and QA


On production releases, we build a versioned CSS file 1.0.0.css into the ./public/coral-css directory

Origin: https://coral-css.preview.now.washingtonpost.com/coral-css/1.0.0.css Edge: https://washingtonpost.com/coral-css/1.0.0.css


You can talk with the maintainers in #comments-ui.


3 years ago