9.3.0 • Published 1 year ago

corbeta v9.3.0

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Last release
1 year ago


CorbeaAPP .......

Start on development mode

export NODE_ENV=dev
quality assuranceqa
yarn start

Start on production mode

yarn start:prod

Clean project configuration

Comandos recomendados para limpiar el proyecto antes de generar un APK.

rm -rf node_modules
npm cache clean --force
yarn cache clean --force
rm -rf .expo
rm package-lock.json
rm yarn.lock


The dependencies listed below are for information purposes only and should be taken into account in a future upgrade.

$ native-base                      2.15.2  →    3.4.8 # The old version will be supported, but it is deprecated.
$ react                            17.0.2  →   18.2.0 # When expo 46 is updated
$ react-dom                        17.0.2  →   18.2.0 # When expo 46 is updated
$ react-native                     0.68.2  →   0.69.1 # When expo 46 is updated
$ react-native-gesture-handler     ~2.2.1  →   ~2.5.0 # When expo 46 is updated
$ react-native-safe-area-context    4.2.4  →    4.3.1 # When expo 46 is updated
$ react-native-web                 0.17.7  →   0.18.6 # When expo 46 is updated
$ react-native-webview            11.18.1  →  11.22.7 # When expo 46 is updated
$ react-router-dom                  5.2.1  →    6.3.0 # Strong incompatibility with the current project
$ react-router-native               5.2.1  →    6.3.0 # Strong incompatibility with the current project
$ @types/react-native              0.69.2  →   0.69.3 # update pending

It is required to plan the impact on the application and to be able to make the necessary code fixes.

Tener en cuenta que la actualización de estas dos dependencias deben actualizarse, pero, generan un conflicto bastante grande en el proyecto.

Como Integrar Nuevos cambios a DEMO y PRODUCTIVO ?


1. In our main timeline, it will keep the current production code, every new feature that needs to be worked on will start from this branch.

2. La rama de demo contendra todas las caracteristicas que podamos mergear de la rama feature, y que de manera temprana queremos mostrar al cliente los avances que se llevan.

3. La caracteristica deberá entrar en main solo mediante Pull Request, esto nos ayudara a mantener seguro y actualizado el scope de cada caracteristica.