1.0.4 • Published 4 years ago

cordova-plugin-android-sms-retriever-api v1.0.4

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BSD 3-Clause
Last release
4 years ago

Cordova Plugin Android SMS Retriever API

Cordova plugin to enable single SMS reception in Android using the SMS Retriever API in order to read automatically one-time passwords from SMS messages.

This plugin is intended to comply with the critical changes introduced by Google in 2019 in SMS and CALL LOGS policies and does not need extra permissions to work.


The installation requires cordova 6.0+.

Use the cordova client in order to install the package.

$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-android-sms-retriever-api


The plugin requires the Google libraries com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth and com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth-api-phone.

The default versions of this two libraries has been set to 15.+, but you can configure the version you want by defining the PLAY_SERVICES_AUTH_VERSION and PLAY_SERVICES_AUTH_API_PHONE_VERSION preferences in config.xml or package.json.


<platform name="android">
  <preference name="PLAY_SERVICES_AUTH_VERSION" value="17.+" />

SMS message preparation

To use the SMS Retriever API you need to include a text signature in your SMS content. You can find more about this topic in the Google Developers Guide

Basic Usage

To start listening for a single incoming SMS with a verification code during 5 minutes use the following method.

cordova.plugins.smsRetriever.start(function() {
	// Listener registered successfully
}, function(err) {
	// Failed to register listener

Calling the above method will only start listening for incoming SMS messages with the application signature. In order to attach an event handler to the SMS received event you will have to call the "on" method.

cordova.plugins.smsRetriever.on('smsReceived', function(smsMessage) {
  // Sms received

API reference

cordova.plugins.smsRetriever.start(successHandler, errorHandler)

Starts listening for one single SMS message during 5 minutes.


successHandlerFunctionIs called when the plugin successfully starts listening number.
errorHandlerFunctionIs called when the plugin encounters an error while trying to start listening number.


cordova.plugins.smsRetriever.start(function() {
	// Listener registered successfully
}, function(err) {
	// Failed to register listener

cordova.plugins.smsRetriever.stop(successHandler, errorHandler)

Stops listening for SMS messages


successHandlerFunctionIs called when the plugin successfully stops listening number.
errorHandlerFunctionIs called when the plugin encounters an error while trying to stop listening number.


cordova.plugins.smsRetriever.stop(function() {
	// Listener registered successfully
}, function(err) {
	// Failed to register listener

cordova.plugins.smsRetriever.on(eventName, eventHandler)

Registers an event handler for the event name.


eventNamestringName of the event to listen to. See below for all the event names.
eventHandlerFunctionIs called when the event is triggered.

cordova.plugins.smsRetriever.on('smsReceived', eventHandler)

Fired when the listener receives an SMS message.

Callback parameters

smsMessagestringThe complete received SMS message


cordova.plugins.smsRetriever.on('smsReceived', (smsMessage) => {
  // Sms received
  console.error('This is the content of the SMS message: ' + smsMessage);

cordova.plugins.smsRetriever.on('timeout', eventHandler)

Fired when the listener stops listening after 5 minutes from start.

cordova.plugins.smsRetriever.off(eventName, eventHandler)

Unregisters an event handler for the event name. If eventHandler is not defined, unregisters all events of the eventName.


eventNamestringName of the event to unregister.
eventHandlerFunctionThe eventHandler to unregister. If not provided, all the events of the eventName will be unregistered



Further Considerations

Debugging SMS reception

If you want to debug the SMS reception with Android Studio, remember to include the same signing configuration as the one you have used to create the SMS text signature in the app Module by right clicking in your project, chosing the Open Module Settings option and selecting the app Module.

App signing by Google Play

If you use the App signing by Google Play feature, the applications downloaded from Google Play Store will have a different signature than the one used by you to sign the apk.

In this case, you will have to download the App signing certificate of the app from the Google Play Console, use the certificate to create a .jks and use this file to obtain the 11 characters signature that should be attached to the SMS.


Copyright © 2020 José Lorente Martín jose.lorente.martin@gmail.com.

Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE.txt for details.