1.2.0 • Published 8 years ago

cordova-plugin-file-node-like v1.2.0

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8 years ago


A wrapper for cordova-plugin-file that provides a Node.js-like API.

Tested on iOS and Android.


  • Because the API provided by cordova-plugin-file is (mainly) the API that was meant to become the HTML5 File API; compared to the Node.js fs module, it is awful!
  • Because a rudimentary Node.js-like file API might suffice in most use cases in a Cordova app


cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file-node-like

Getting started

Once the deviceready event has been triggered, here is how to setup this module

//initialize this module, for the application data directory and the cache directory
	if (err){
		//Handle initialization error

	//After the `init` call, window._fs, window._cacheFs and others become available
	var fs = window.plugins.nodefs(window._fs);
	var cacheFs = window.plugins.nodefs(window._cacheFs);
	// ... initialize an file system you want. I wrote those because they are among the most common ones. See below for more info

	//Example operations:

	//Recursively create folders
	fs.mkdirp('hello/world', function(err){
		if (err) throw err;

		//Write a file.
		fs.writeFile('hello/world/message', 'what\'s up guys?', function(err){
			if (err) throw err;

			//Read the file's contents, as string
			fs.readFile('hello/world/message', 'utf8', function(err, messageStr){
				if (err) throw err;

				console.log('Read from the file system: ' + messageStr);

Available file systems

When you call window.plugins.nodefs.init, it pre-loads/resolve multiple file systems available in the standard cordova-plugin-file. Once they are resolved, they are renamed and attached to an object (window, by default)

See the available storage directories, their layouts and their read/write capabilities in cordova-plugin-file. Here is how they are renamed:

NOTE: Not all of the listed file systems are available on every platform. Availability is described in the cordova-plugin-file documentation.


window.plugins.nodefs.init(callback, [hostObject]) : initializes and resolves file systems.

  • Function callback(err) : a callback function, receiving error err if one occurred
  • Object hostObject : optional. An object to which the resolved file systems will be attached. Defaults to window. (This is where the window._fs and window._cacheFs in the example come from)

window.plugins.node(fsReference) : initializes a new file system wrapper, for the file system referred to by fsReference (like _fs, cacheFs, _syncedFs, and others, as described above)

  • Returns an FS wrapper object, whose methods are documented below

The FS wrapper object

NOTE: As of now, methods involving blobs/buffers are known not to work on Windows platforms. Please keep that in mind...

fs.writeFile(path, data, cb) : Write data at the given path. Overwrites the file if it already exists.

  • String path : the path at which the file will be written. Note that parent folders must exist before making this call
  • String|Uint8Array data : the data to be stored
  • Function cb(err) : a callback function, receiving error err if one occurred

fs.appendFile(path, data, cb) : Append data to the file at the given file. Creates the file if it doesn't already exist

  • String path : the path to which the data will be appended
  • String|Uint8Array data : the data to be stored
  • Function cb(err) : a callback function, receiving error err if one occurred

fs.readFile(path, [encoding], cb) : Read data at the given path

  • String path : the path of the file to be read
  • String encoding : optional string. Defaults to 'buffer'. Accepted values: 'buffer' to get a Uint8Array, 'utf8' to get a string
  • Function cb(err, data) : a callback function, receiving the read data (in data). receiving error err if one occurred

fs.exists(path, cb) : Check whether a file or directory exists at the given

  • String path : the path to be tested
  • Function(exists) : a callback function, receiving the boolean exists, whose value indicate whether there is a file or directory at the given path

fs.stat(path, cb) : Get info about the file/directory at the given path (currently limited to whether it's a file or a directory)

  • String path : the path to be tested
  • Function cb(err, stat) : a callback function, receiving the resulting Stat object. Receives error err, if one occurred

fs.mkdir(path, cb) : Create a directory, given that its parent directories exist

  • String path : path of the directory to be created
  • Function cb(err) : a callback function. Receives error err if one occurred

fs.mkdirp(path, cb) : Create a directory, with its parent directories if they do not exist. Purpose : replace the mkdirp package

  • String path : path of the directory to be created
  • Function cb(err) : a callback function. Receives error err if one occurred

NOTE: fs.mkdirp is not a standard function in the fs module of Node.js

fs.readdir(path, cb) : List the contents of a directory

  • String path : path of the directory whose contents should be listed. To list the contents of the root folder, use '.' as path
  • Function cb(err, contents) : a callback function, receiving the array contents, listing the files and directories in the requested directory. Receives error err if one occurred

fs.unlink(path, cb) : Delete a file

  • String path : path of the file to be deleted
  • Function cb(err) : a callback function, receiving error err if one occurred

fs.rmdir(path, cb) : Delete a directory, if it is empty

  • String path : path of the directory to be deleted
  • Function cb(err) : a callback function, receiving error err if one occurred

fs.rmdirr(path, cb) : Delete a directory and its contents : replace the rmdir package

  • String path : path of the directory to be deleted
  • Function cb(err) : a callback function, receiving error err if one occurred

NOTE: fs.rmdirr is not a standard function in the fs module of Node.js

The Stat object

The object resulting from a fs.stat call

As of now, the only attributes implemented in the stat object are:

  • Boolean isDirectory
  • Boolean isFile

Many attributes are missing compared to the fs module of Node.js

NOTE: These attributes are boolean variables, instead of being functions.


  1. Create a Cordova/Phonegap application
  2. Add the iOS and/or the Android platforms
  3. Add the testing framework and bind its page as the main page of the app
  4. Add this plugin
  5. Add this plugin's test cases, by adding the plugin located in the tests folder
	cordova plugin add https://github.com/LockateMe/cordova-plugin-file-node-like.git#:/tests


This module is released under the terms of the MIT license.