0.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

coreui-govtech v0.0.2

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Last release
3 years ago

CorenetX UI Components

User Interface (UI) components for use in the CorenetX project.


Install this package through Yarn:

# for Yarn
yarn add coreui-govtech tailwindcss

Call it from your code with:

import {...} from 'coreui-govtech';

Where ... is the component name.

You eventually need to import the default style provided once somewhere in your project

import 'coreui-govtech/build/static/main.css'; 

## Components 
- [Header](./src/Component/Header.tsx)
- [Footer](./src/Component/Footer.tsx)

## Quick Links
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/coreui-govtech
Dependency Images: https://hub.docker.com/xxx
Application Images: https://hub.docker.com/xxx
Demo: #

## Contributing
### Get Started
Clone this repository and run the following to get started:
yarn install
yarn start # runs a storybook server at http://localhost:6006


Component code is stored in ./src. See the ./src/Example/Text for an example. Make sure to build before submitting a merge request:

yarn build
# or
yarn build-watch

Use yarn link to test drive your changes in lib-ui with another project. Run yarn link in this repo and follow the instructions. Likewise, run yarn unlink in this repo and follow the instructions to unlink.


To run tests:

yarn test

To run tests in development with file watching:

yarn test-watch

To run lints:

yarn lint
yarn lint-fix