4.5.1 • Published 2 years ago
corpus-word-freq v4.5.1
Corpus Word Freq
This package was created to provide utilities regarding the rarity of words in the english language.
Word rarity is based on the British National Corpus. More specifically, upon List 1.1, the complete list without frequency cut-offs found at https://ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/bncfreq/flists.html.
- Return the rarity of a word, in the form of it's frequency per million words.
- Find a specific amount of rarest words from an array.
Planned features
- Provide options for common words, not just rare words.
- Export types separately so they can be imported and used outside of this package.
- Accommodate distinctiveness of words for word rarity in a ratio that can be specified on creation of the corpus instance.
- Create a comprehensive test suite for the package.
npm install corpus-word-freq
API Reference