0.3.0 • Published 7 years ago

cort-unit v0.3.0

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7 years ago

COmbinatorial Reachability Testing for asynchronous unit tests

Cort tested exhaustively!


Asynchronous code generally demands exhaustive unit tests: one has to verify that potentially interacting asynchronous actions complete correctly when executed in an arbitrary order. Unfortunately, this means testing every possible order, massively replicating test cases even of a moderate complexity as the number of possible execution sequences grows combinatorially.

This library purports to automate this process by enumerating all permutations of the asynchronous steps in a test case. It is not a full-featured unit testing framework; instead, it is designed to integrate with existing ones. Unit test code is expected to describe its asynchronous steps using extension APIs provided by Cort plugins.

In depth

TL;DR: the rest of this section is whitepaper material; follow the link to usage docs below.

The complexity of testing parallel code comes from logically simultaneous events that may legitimately occur in any relative order. In absence of side effects, the order wouldn't matter. When side effects are present -- especially side effects that may be concealed from the programmer behind API barriers -- it becomes critical to ensure that the code will work correctly no matter what the true physical order of the logically simultaneous, side effect producing actions proves to be.

Asynchronous single-threaded programming model found in Javascript softens the impact somewhat, as synchronous code sequences (i.e. those not yielding control back to the event loop in the interim) can only run one after the other rather than concurrently, as is common in multi-threaded programming. This should not unduly alleviate the concerns, as the actions "logically atomic" from the standpoint of the user code (i.e. performed inside 3rd party code as a result of an API call) are very often asynchronous in nature; also, real-world architectures tend to employ multiple interacting reactor loops (e.g. multiple instances of node.js communicating over TCP sockets) which do indeed execute concurrently.

Example 1: streaming parser

As an example, consider a streaming record parser that accepts a character stream as input and produces records (objects) from it on demand, as they become available. It is convenient to provide a pipe API to such a component: a Writable stream for the characters received from an external source (e.g. piped from a socket or file) and a Readable stream in object mode for the produced records; furthermore, it is convenient to operate the latter in paused mode so that the record consuming code is not concerned with buffering and flow control.

The expected usage pattern for such a parser is

const parser = new Parser;
parser.on( 'readable', tryReadRecord );
input_stream.pipe( parser );

function tryReadRecord() {
	var record = parser.read();
	if( record != null )
		consumeRecordAsync( record, tryReadRecord );

(note that if record consumption wasn't asynchronous, it would have been much easier to operate parser in flowing mode and consume every record inside a data handler; no buffering of records would ever be required).

A naive unit test for the above component can look like this:

const parser = new Parser;
parser.on( 'readable', tryReadRecord );

parser.write( test_data_chunk_1 );
parser.write( test_data_chunk_2 );
parser.write( test_data_chunk_3 );

function tryReadRecord() {
	var record;
	while( (record = parser.read()) != null )
		assertRecordIsAsExpected( record );

Of course it only tests a single, highly specific (and unlikely) scenario: the entirety of the data arriving before any of it is consumed! Making the test slightly less naive by converting assertRecordIsAsExpected() into an asynchronous action

function tryReadRecord() {
	var record = parser.read();
	if( record != null )
		assertRecordIsAsExpectedAsync( record, tryReadRecord );

function assertRecordIsAsExpectedAsync( record, callback ) {
	assertRecordIsAsExpected( record );
	setTimeout( callback, delay );

does not change this scenario any. What we are after is making sure the parser works correctly even when chunk 1 has some complete records and an incomplete beginning of another one whether the consuming code does or does not request them prior to the arrival of chunk 2:

Exhaustive test

At 2240 sequence permutations it is not just exhaustive but exhausting as well! Approaching this level of testing rigor by sequencing the events manually is clearly unrealistic.

In order to automate the permutation of simultaneous events it is first necessary to know what they are. It is by no means obvious: while this information is certainly present in the code, extracting it by static analysis is a monumental task that requires, among other things, some prior knowledge about external asynchronous APIs the code is using. The preferred alternative is to have the programmer manually instrument unit test code to both provide this information and pass control to the permutating tool at opportune times so that it can vary the relative timings. In Cort, later() API serves this purpose.

Example 2: updating shared list

Let's consider another example: updating a shared data structure. A key-value in-memory store (memcached, Redis...) is often used to provide shared memory to multiple clustered instances of node.js services. Assuming a store that implements atomic read and swap (read old+write new), we want to store a list of records as a JSON formatted string in one of the keys and let multiple parallel clients add records to the list without coordinating the activity via any other channels, or destructively interfering with each other's updates.

The algorithm used in this example is workable, if simplistic and likely suboptimal: while adding a record to the list, it keeps track of all records it has seen in any copies of the list obtained from the shared source by swap()-ping them with the currently accumulated set. Once a swap fails to introduce any new records to the set, the algorithm considers list content stabilized (final list content is returned as a result of the add() method via a promise):

class SharedList {
	constructor( store, key, client_id ) {
		this.store = store;
		this.key = key;
		this.client_id = client_id;
		this.record_id = 0;

	add( record ) {
		const self = this, known_records = {};

		record = {
			id: this.client_id + "-" + ++this.record_id,
			data: record

		known_records[ record.id ] = record;

		return this.store.read( this.key )
				   .then( tryUpdating )
				   .then( list => list.map( record => record.data ) );

		function tryUpdating( list ) {

			var record;

			list.forEach( record => {
				if( !known_records[record.id] )
					known_records[record.id] = record
			} );

			list = Object.keys( known_records ).map( id => known_records[id] );

			return self.store.swap( self.key, list )
					   .then( old_list =>
							old_list.every( record => record.id in known_records ) 
								? list : tryUpdating( old_list ) 

To test it, we mock up the store interface object expected to provide two asynchronous methods, read() and swap() which in real use would issue network requests with unpredictable delays. In the mockup, timing unpredictability is replaced with explicit permutation of event order ensured by Cort. Since both methods are logically asynchronous actions with duration rather than events, it is tempting to implement them using the 2nd form of later() that separately marks up initiation and completion of an asynchronous step:

function promise( action ) {
	return new Promise( resolve => setImmediate( () => resolve( action() ) ) )


read( key ) {
	return later( 
		ready => ready.when( promise( () => this.readSync( key ) ) ),
		"Read " + this.client_id + "-" + ++this.tag_id

swap( key, value ) {
	return later( 
		ready => ready.when( promise( () => {
			const old_value = this.readSync( key );
			this.writeSync( key, value );
			return old_value
		} ) ),
		"Swap " + this.client_id + "-" + ++this.tag_id

(the rest of the mock class can be seen in source code). Alas, this approach really brings the combinatorial explosion into play: in my tests, node.js heap blew up somewhere between 200K and 500K iterations. First thought upon seeing this was "There really is no replacement for formal proofs of correctness!" Fortunately, this time there was. While read() and swap() appear to be actions with extended duration, in reality (not just in a mockup, but in actual use!) they implement atomic operations. Therefore we don't need to vary their starting and finishing orders separately; it is enough to only vary the order in which the operations as a whole execute:

read( key ) {
	return later( 
		() => this.readSync( key ),
		"Read " + this.client_id + "-" + ++this.tag_id

swap( key, value ) {
	return later( 
		() => {
			const old_value = this.readSync( key );
			this.writeSync( key, value );
			return old_value
		"Swap " + this.client_id + "-" + ++this.tag_id

After this simplification, 294 permutations exhaust all possible scenarios that can arise in a simultaneous update from 3 clients. Admittedly, the question why 3 clients are both necessary and sufficient still has to be answered for full credit in rigor.

Closing notes

  • Reachability testing by combinatorial exhaustion of possible sequences is a powerful approach, but its applicability is clearly limited to unit testing of crucial, well defined components:

    * In order to let Cort affect the order of asynchronous events/steps in the code,

    they have to be manually instrumented. This is natural to do with the test code (including mockups), in fact, as simple as taking a working test and adding calls to later() around identified statements. Doing this to the code being tested makes testing invasive: it may be good enough for proofing algorithmic concepts but less than useful for regression testing and CI.

    * Combinatorial explosion is inescapable: number of permutations grows very fast with the length

    and variability of the sequences. Throwing everything and the kitchen sink as input for the exhaustive test does not work; both permutable steps and the inputs impacting the overall length of test sequence have to be chosen carefully in order to preserve the balance between coverage and manageability.

  • In the most general case, the permutable steps form a DAG (assuming that steps executed repeatedly receive unique tags every time and represent distinct nodes) where edges are cause-and-effect relationships. Cort does not provide facilities to describe an arbitrary DAG by specifying all of those relationships explicitly. Instead, it uses a seemingly natural approach of considering the steps executed in the same synchronous sequence to be arbitrarily permutable unless explicitly ordered by chaining calls to later(). Most of the cause-effect relationships are inferred by executing the code: step B scheduled for later execution as part of execution of step A is implicitly connected to it with an edge -- order of A and B will stay immutable in all permutations. While practical, this approach may yet prove insufficient to cover some important scenarios.

  • The 2nd form of later() (with the ready callback argument) was added to Cort API as a natural way of describing all sorts of actions with duration, including, but not limited to, functions returning promises. It introduces two connected nodes into the graph: the starting and completion points of the step. As became clear in the 2nd example above, it has a big impact on the number of permutations; it is still not clear whether this facility is strictly necessary or even provides significant convenience compared to using 2 separate calls to later() where necessary.

Common API

Each unit testing framework defines its own syntax for test cases. Cort generally expects the test cases to be functions and passes in its two main APIs -- later() and done() either as freestanding function parameters (Mocha) or as methods on an interface object (nodeunit).


later( () => stream.write( chunk ) );
later( () => source.emit( "dataReady" ), "Notify consumers" );

Used to specify an asynchronosly initiated immediate step, represented by a callback function with no arguments; ES6 arrow functions provide a compact and convenient syntax. Optional second argument can be used to tag the step with a unique text string. If tag is omitted, string representation of the callback function is used in its place. Note that uniqueness of the tag is important to the permutating algorithm!

Multiple calls to later() made synchronously (synchronicity is not strictly necessary -- depending on the implementation of enqueue(), if overridden -- but should always be sufficient) will eventually execute their steps in all possible orders. To always execute a series of steps in a specific order, use chaining:

later( () => stream.write( chunk_1 ) )
  .later( () => stream.write( chunk_2 ) );   

This is particularly useful to pass a value obtained from one step to the next:

var stream;
later( () => stream = openStream() )
  .later( () => stream.write( chunk ) );

To better understand how later() works, it may be thought of as a functional equivalent of

setTimeout( () => do_something, random_delay )

where the permutating algorithm preselects the random_delays for each run in such a way as to exhaust all legitimate sequences of steps that may result.

In order to describe asynchronous steps with arbitrary duration, such as an API call that expects a completion callback or returns a promise, use a modified form of later():

later( ready => fs.readdir( path_to_attachments, ready( processAttachments ) ) );
later( ready => ready.when( db.query( "select * from invoices" ) ).then( processInvoices ) );

The above will not only vary the order in which fs.readdir() and db.query() are initiated, but also the order in which processAttachments() and processInvoices() are called -- not depending on actual durations of each step. Note that Cort does not take into account whether the asynchronous action completes successfully or fails: ready() only serves to mark its temporal completion and then passes the results on to the unit test code, unchanged.


function mockAsyncCall() {
	return later( () => syncAction() ).promise()

Provides an easy way of mocking up asynchronous APIs: promise will resolve to the result of syncAction() once it executes (note that execution of later() itself only "schedules" the step; it will never run in the same synchronous sequence where it was scheduled).

function instrumentAsyncCall() {
	return later( ready => ready.when( asyncAction() ) ).promise()

Instruments a promise-returning asyncAction() with permutable starting and finishing events; promise returned by instrumentAsyncCall() will resolve to the result of asyncAction() but only after the finishing event executes (which, incidentally, will not be in the same synchronous sequence as the resolution of the promise returned by asyncAction()). Note that if the promise from asyncAction() is rejected, the rejection will not fail the test case but will pass on to the handlers attached to the promise from instrumentAsyncCall() normally.

It is also possible to write:

later( ready => asyncActionWithCallback( ready( callback ) ) ).promise()

but the resulting promise will resolve to the result returned by asyncActionWithCallback() when it executes (i.e. before either ready() or callback() are called).

Chaining .promise() to the value returned by later() must be synchronous.


Should be called by the test case code to signal its completion and execute the next permutation, if any. Passing an Error object into done() has the same effect as throwing an exception. Unlike the similar API provided by the unit testing frameworks, Cort's done() is "soft" -- if some of the asynchronous steps are already scheduled or started at the time done() is called without an argument, the run will not complete until all steps have been fully executed.

Metadata properties

Cort maintains metadata identifying separate runs (or permutations) of the test case. This metadata is normally consumed by the plugins for unit testing libraries in order to modify test case names appearing in the reports and extend the assertion stacks with traces describing specific execution order that caused the failure; it is also available to the test case code.

  • name - a short unique identifier normally used as a suffix in the test case name;
  • trace - an array of tags identifying steps that have already executed (or commenced executing) in this run;
  • todo - an array of tags indentifying steps that are yet to be executed in the selected permutation; it is empty in most simple cases and never includes all of the steps that would be executed if the permutation were to complete successfully.


A dictionary of options can be passed to any of the top-level plugin APIs as an optional argument:

  • maxRuns - integer; limits the number of permutations to execute. Note that a completion due to exceeding maxRuns is considered an error;
  • enqueue - function expecting one argument, a callback function to be executed asynchronously. If not specified, setImmediate() is used to enqueue the asynchronous steps;
  • promise - a factory function for promises, accepting one argument: the initialization callback. It is used by Cort whenever a new promise has to be issued and follows conventions of the built-in promise constructor; the default implementation returns new Promise(callback). Use it to select a different implementation of promises if required; Cort does not use any functionality of promises other than construction and .then() chaining method.

Mocha plugin API

const cort = require( "cort-unit/mocha" );

describe( "This thing", function() {
	cort( it )( "should work no matter what", function( later, done, meta ) {
		// Test case code
	} );
} );


Acts as a decorator for the Mocha it() test case definition primitive. Test cases used with Cort are always asynchronous, but instead of one callback argument they receive two: later() and done() (which is Cort's done() rather than Mocha's done() -- it soft-terminates only the current run of the test case). Third argument of the test case is an object providing the metadata properties.

Returning a promise from the test case instead of accepting done() is not currently supported by the Cort Mocha plugin.

Cort options, if any, can be passed into the decorator call as an optional 2nd argument.

nodeunit plugin API

const cort = require( "cort-unit/nodeunit" );

exports.test = cort( function( test ) {
	// Test case code
} );


Acts as a decorator for the nodeunit test case functions. APIs later() and done() are accessible to the test case code as methods on the test object; metadata properties can be accessed via test.meta.

Cort options, if any, can be passed into the decorator call as an optional 2nd argument.

Core API

Cort core API is used by the plugins extending the APIs of unit testing libraries. As such, it is likely to be more volatile than end user APIs; there's no real reason to consume it directly outside of Cort codebase.

At present, the core API provides two distinct interfaces to the permutating algorithm: a runner loop and a promise generator.


const cort = require( "cort-unit" );

cort.run( test_case, complete, options );

function test_case( later, done, meta ) {
	// Test case wrapper or body

function complete( err ) {
	// Called when all permutations are exhausted

The runner loop API, cort.run() accepts a test case body with the usual arguments, a callback function complete() that will be called exactly once: with no arguments in case of success or with the Error object if it is is thrown by the test code, passed into the done() call or arises from an internal error in Cort code; third optional argument can be used to pass in the dictionary of options.


const cort = require( "cort-unit" );

const iterator = cort.iterate( test_case, options );

next( true );

function next( more ) {
	if( !more )
		// 1st chance to detect normal completion

	var { value, done } = iterator.next();
	if( done )
		// 2nd chance to detect normal completion
		// Can call iterator.copy() here
		return value.then( next, failed );

function failed( err ) {
	// Called only on failure

function test_case( later, done, meta ) {
	// Test case wrapper or body

The generator API, cort.iterate() accepts a test case body and an optional dictionary of options. It returns an object conforming to the iterator protocol; the values returned by the iterator are promises that resolve upon completion of the corresponding test case run. The consumer of this iterator must not call its next() method prior to resolution of the promise returned by the previous call: code snippet above provides an outline for the correct usage; another example can be found in the Cort core tests.

Note that the iterator API provides two ways of detecting the end of the loop: via the value the returned promise resolves too (falsy value for the last iteration) or via the standard done flag returned by the call to next(). Different usage scenarios may find one or the other more convenient.

The iterator returned by cort.iterate() also carries the metadata properties as well as implements one additional method, copy():


Returns a copy of the iterator that contains a duplicate of the internal data structure describing the discovered steps and the permutations that have already been executed up to this point. It can be used to repeat specific runs (retry the test case). This method must not be called prior to resolution of an already returned promise; the right place to do it is immediately prior to calling next().


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago