2.1.2 • Published 4 years ago

courriel v2.1.2

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Last release
4 years ago


Courriel is a "peer-to-peer messaging system", i.e., it does not require a central server.

Project courriel is split into two parts:

  1. User Interface: Graphical User Interface (in html/css/js, or rather jade/css/coffee) to be execuded in a browser.

  2. Local Server: A server usually running on a client device whose role is to keep in sync with peers. Its role is

    1. to initialize, maintain, and provide to the user interface the data
    2. to keep in sync with peers

Project source files organization

The project source files are in src/

  ├── client/index.coffee - user interface code (via `browserify` -> `public/js/courriel.js`)
  ├── index.coffee        - local server code
  ├── Peers.coffee        - communication/synchronisation between peers
  ├── Etat.coffee         - database initilization and api 
  ├── node_modules/...    - dependences
  ├── package.json        - project file
  ├── public              - files in `public/*` are served to the client "as is"
  │   ├── style.css
  │   ├── favicon.ico
  │   ├── css/...         - generated with `npm run jquery-ui-css`
  │   └── js/...          - generated with `npm run build`
  └── views/courriel.jade - `jade` template used to generate user interface `html`

Run the app


> git clone https://github.com/fraczak/courriel.git
> cd courriel
> npm install
> npm run jquery-ui-css
> npm run build
> npm start

Then go to: http://localhost:8888/