1.0.2 • Published 8 years ago

cowboymouth v1.0.2

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8 years ago


Handles any stream communication with sensor gateway


var mouth = new Mouth(stream);
mouth.on('addon', function (addon) {

    // handle addon data


Pass in a readable and writable stream to the constructor. This should be a serial port or ethernet stream connected to an arduino gateway. Used for reading and writing data to the mysensor gateway.


  • addon - emits addon object when an addon registers itself with the gateway. The signature is function (addon) An addon object has the following structure:
        "boardId": int,
        "addonId": int,
        "type": string,
  • log - emits when a board sends a message to log. The signature is function (log) A log object has the following structure:

        "boardId": int,
        "message": string,
        "time": date
  • name - emits when a board sends the sketch name. The signature is function (sketch) A sketch object has the following structure:

        "boardId": int,
        "name": string
  • version - emits when a board sends the sketch version. The signature is function (version) A version object has the following structure:

        "boardId": int,
        "version": string
  • battery - emits when a board sends a battery level. The signature is function (battery) A battery object has the following structure:

        "boardId": int,
        "level": float
  • protocol - emits when the gateway records the protocol type. The signature is function (protocol)

  • reading - emits when a sensor sends data to the gateway. The signature is function (reading) A reading object has the following structure:
        "boardId": int,
        "addonId": int,
        "value": string/bool,
        "type": string,
        "time": date

sendCommand(command, [callback])

To send a command use a command object like the following:


Addon Types

An addon can be one of the following types:

  • door: 'Door and window sensor',
  • motion: 'Motion sensor',
  • smoke: 'Smoke sensor',
  • light_switch: 'Turn a light on or off',
  • dimmer: 'Control a dimmer',
  • window_shade: 'Open or close a window shade',
  • temperature: 'Temperature sensor',
  • humidity: 'Humidity sensor',
  • barometer: 'Barometer sensor',
  • wind: 'Wind sensor',
  • rain: 'Rain sensor',
  • uv: 'Ultraviolet sensor',
  • weight: 'Weight sensor',
  • power: 'Power sensor',
  • heater: 'Control a heater',
  • distance: 'Distance sensor',
  • light: 'Light sensor',
  • board: 'Arduino board',
  • board_relay: 'Arduino relay',
  • lock: 'Control a lock',
  • ir: 'IR sender and receiver',
  • water: 'Water sensor',
  • air: 'Air sensor',
  • custom: 'Any custom sensor or controller',
  • dust: 'Dust sensor',
  • scene: 'Control a scene'

Addon Sensor Values

An addon sensor can be one of the following value types

  • temperature
  • humidity
  • pressure
  • weather_forecast
  • rain_amount
  • rain_rate
  • wind_speed
  • wind_gust
  • wind_direction
  • uv
  • weight
  • distance
  • impedance
  • armed
  • movement
  • watt
  • kmh
  • custom1
  • custom2
  • custom3
  • custom4
  • custom5
  • ir_receive
  • water_flow
  • volume
  • dust_level
  • voltage
  • current

An addon can be controlled with one of the following value types

  • light_switch: 1 = On, 0 = Off
  • dimmer: 0-100
  • scene_on
  • scene_off
  • heater: One of "Off", "HeatOn", "CoolOn", or "AutoChangeOver"
  • heater_switch: 1 = On, 0 = Off
  • light_level: 0-100
  • custom1
  • custom2
  • custom3
  • custom4
  • custom5
  • window_shade_up
  • window_shade_down
  • window_shade_stop
  • ir_send
  • lock: 1 = Lock, 0 = Unlock

8 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago