0.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

cra-template-contexts-firebase v0.1.0

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Last release
4 years ago

Starterkit for a REACT project :rocket:


  • Context API
  • Firebase configuration
  • Material UI

Created from react 16.13.1 (08/2020)


to start dev mode use npm start

Context API

  • copy src/scripts/contexts/userContext.js and paste it in the same folder with a new name (eg. cartContext)
  • modify cartContext initialState and reducer
  • import cartContext in src/scripts/contexts/index.js
  • set the provider using withContext( App ) (usually in src/index.js)

when you want to use the context

  • import contexts from "..../scripts/contexts";
  • use the hook: const [cart, dispatcher] = contexts.cart.useContext(); (cart contains the value of the context; dispatcher starts events that trigger the reducer function, which updates the context)

Firebase configuration

  • userContext was configured to detect changes in the user's auth
  • src/scripts/firebase.js declares which services are needed by the app (auth, firestore, storage, ...)
  • modify .env to set your firebase API key

Material UI

  • modify src/scripts/material/theme.js to set your preferences in the theme (colors, responsiveness, global styles, typo, ...)