1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

craftcms-bootstrap-sass-vue-boilerplate v1.1.0

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6 years ago

CraftCMS-Bootstrap-SASS-Vue Boilerplate

As I discover new technologies, I find my boilerplates evolving and getting better (and more complicated). This project was helped along by several other boilerplates out there. I wanted a project starter that fit my development style with all of the technologies I use in most of my projects.

How it works

This boilerplate is setup using Webpack to devlop on a local server (I use Mamp, but you can use whatever you want). the dev command will allow you to hot reload your changes, it will output files to the /dev directory, which is where your local server should point its root to.

The build command will output all production files to the /public_html directory. Included is a sublime sftp configuration that is setup to automagically ftp any updates to that /build directory into your server. You will need to configure that. Read below for full instructions.


Use Node.js (NPM or yarn) scripts to run build tools.

  • $ yarn dev - Launches webpack-dev-server and recompiles files whenever they change
  • $ yarn build - Creates production ready code inside the /public_html directory and ftp sync'd to the server

After running $ yarn dev or $ yarn build, your deploy-ready code will be taken from the ./src/ directory and placed within the ./public_html/ and ./cms/templates/ directories respectively.

Main Features

This project scaffolding is rather opinionated and makes use of the following tools, open source projects, and architecture methodologies:


1. Download the Boilerplate

To start, run this command in your project directory.

$ cd my-project
$ git clone https://github.com/kinoli/craft-bootstrap-sass-vue-boilerplate ./

{Tip} I'f you want to now start using your own remote repo. Run this command.

$ git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.[YOUR-SERVER].com:GROUP/REPO-NAME.git

2. Install Dependencies

In the project folder run: (yarn seems a bit buggy here, so we'll use npm)

$ npm install

3. Set up the Database

You’ll need to create a database for your Craft project. Craft 3 supports both MySQL 5.5+ and PostgreSQL 9.5+.

If you’re given a choice, we recommend the following database settings in most cases:

  • MySQL

    • Default Character Set: utf8
    • Default Collation: utf8_unicode_ci
  • PostgreSQL

    • Character Set: UTF8

4. Set up the Web Server

Create a new web server to host your Craft project. Its document root should point to the dev/ folder.

If you’re not using MAMP, you will probably need to update your hosts file, so your computer knows to route requests to your chosen host name to the local computer.

  • macOS/Linux/Unix: /etc/hosts
  • Windows: \Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

5. Configure Webpack Server

The local webpack server needs to have the same hostname that you setup for the project. Edit the host information in following files.


6. Setup Craft

Now, run the web server so you can load the Craft installation. This will copy the necessary files into your /dev directory.

yarn dev

You need to duplicate the Craft .env file. This will do it for you

cp cms/.env.example cms/.env

Now run the craft setup script.

cms/craft setup

If you get an error and your web server is setup properly, you can run the Craft installation by pointing your web browser to http://HOSTNAME/index.php?p=admin (substituting HOSTNAME with your new web server’s host name). You should get the Craft installation wizard, which will take you through a couple setup screens, and then perform the actual installation.

{tip} That .env file will be processed via PHP dotenv, which the craftcms/craft project comes with preinstalled. The advantage of using PHP dotenv is that it offers a place to store sensitive information (like database connection settings) in a file that doesn’t get committed to your Git repository.

7. Configure FTP Deployment

Deployment is done by running yarn build and everything in the /public_html directory needs to be sync'd to your server, as well, any changes in your /cms/templates directory.

To do ftp deployment through your IDE's ftp sync from /public_html and /cms to your webserver. Note, the /cms directory should be a level above your public root directory.

This boilerplate has sftp config setup for VSCode, which I highly recommend, but not required. A sample vscode config file is included in /.vscode/sftp.json, you can simply configure it as needed.

About Craft CMS

Craft is a content-first CMS that aims to make life enjoyable for developers and content managers alike. It is optimized for bespoke web and application development, offering developers a clean slate to build out exactly what they want, rather than wrestling with a theme.

Learn more about Craft at craftcms.com.

About me

I am an experienced full-stack web/app contractor from Canada. I'm always available to assist with questions or bug fixes or to hire (if you need more of my time).

My website: JesseKnowles.com