1.2.0 • Published 12 months ago

crap-score v1.2.0

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12 months ago

CRAP Score

npm version Maintainability Test Coverage

Calculate and visualize the CRAP score of a JS/TS project using the provided jest integration, CLI, or API.


The CRAP report of the project itself can be found under https://ahilke.github.io/js-crap-score/.

What is CRAP?

The CRAP score is a measure of the risk of a function ranging from 1 (best) to infinity (worst). It stands for Change Risk Anti-Patterns and is computed as follows:

complexity^2 * (1 - coverage)^3 + complexity

where complexity is the cyclomatic complexity of the function and coverage is the statement coverage as number between 0 (no coverage) and 1 (fully covered).

Combining complexity and coverage information, the CRAP score gives you insight into your riskiest functions, i.e. functions that are the most likely to contain bugs. You can reduce the risk and thus the CRAP score by either improving test coverage or refactoring your function to decrease complexity (e.g. by extracting functions).

How to Use

Jest Reporter

Add crap-score as test reporter to jest. When jest is run with coverage enabled, this will also generate a CRAP report. Example for jest.config.json:

"reporters": ["default", "crap-score"]

The reporter also accepts options, for example:

"reporters": [
            "jsonReportFile": "crap.json",

A typed interface for the reporter options is available via import type { ReporterOptions } from "crap-score";.

Available options:

jsonReportFileSpecifies path where the JSON report will be written to. Defaults to crap-report/crap-report.json. Pass false to disable JSON report.
htmlReportDirSpecifies path where the HTML report will be written to. Defaults to crap-report/html/. Pass false to disable HTML report.
logChanges log behaviour. "silent" suppresses all logs. "debug" prints additional logs.


Install the package (or use it directly via npx), then just run npx crap <path-to-coverage>. The command expects an istanbul JSON coverage report as input (see JSON Coverage Report) and generates both an HTML and a JSON report in the crap-report folder, containing the CRAP score of each function in the original istanbul report.

crap --help



import { getCrapReport, CrapReport } from "crap-score";

const report: CrapReport = await getCrapReport({
    testCoverage: "./coverage/coverage-final.json",


To use the library API in a CommonJS project, you will need to use dynamic import statements as this is a ESM library:

async function main() {
    const { getCrapReport } = await import("crap-score");
    const report = await getCrapReport({
        testCoverage: "./coverage/coverage-final.json",

If you are using TypeScript, make sure to have "moduleResolution": "node16" to avoid import being transformed into require. If that is not an option, you can work around it via eval:

async function main() {
    const { getCrapReport } = await eval("import('crap-score')");
    const report = await getCrapReport({
        testCoverage: "./coverage/coverage-final.json",

istanbul JSON Coverage Report

If you are using jest, you can generate an istanbul JSON coverage report by adding collectCoverage: true and coverageReporters: ["json"] to your configuration. This will generate a JSON report under coverage-final.json.

Make sure to also review other configuration related to coverage, especially collectCoverageFrom. This allows you to include files in your report even if they are not covered. This is important, since any uncovered function in your project may have a very high CRAP score.