0.1.5 • Published 6 months ago
create-cql-app v0.1.5
Building docker image
After every push to main, we need to update the docker image
docker build -t ghcr.io/contentql/pin-hcms:latest . --platform linux/amd64
docker push ghcr.io/contentql/pin-hcms:latest
Testing Docker Production version
sudo docker pull ghcr.io/contentql/pin-hcms:latest
sudo docker run --network="host" -e DATABASE_URI=mongodb:// ghcr.io/contentql/pin-hcms:latest
Getting Started
pnpm pull
pnpm i
pnpm generate:types
pnpm dev
Required Collections
- pages
- blogs
Basic Idea
Both the collections we create should have the idea of:
- Blocks in every page and blog
- Dynamic Generation using the render which we already use in
- Clear documentation on how to create blocks in frontend and backend.
env variable should not have /
at the ends