0.0.0 • Published 20 days ago

create-huge-nx v0.0.0

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20 days ago



Do you frequently create new Nx workspaces to check configs against yours?

HugeNx is a custom preset used to dynamically generate a new Nx workspace from your specific workspace conventions.

Getting Started

1. Define your HugeNx's conventions:

For example let's create a conventions file angular-monorepo.conventions.ts that match the default Nx angular-monorepo preset:

export default {
  version: '1.0',
  generators: {
    '@nx/angular:application': {
      bundler: 'esbuild',
  projectTypes: {
    'global:angular:application': {
      projectPattern: '*-app',
      generators: [{ generator: '@nx/angular:application' }],
  workspace: {
    apps: {
      'my-app': 'global:angular:application',

2. Use create-huge-nx client to generate a new Nx workspace from your HugeNx's conventions:

npx create-huge-nx@latest my-workspace --hugeNxConventions=./angular-monorepo.conventions.ts --nxCloud skip

You can generate a workspace with a specific Nx version with --nxVersion:

npx create-huge-nx@latest my-workspace --hugeNxConventions=./angular-monorepo.conventions.ts --nxVersion 17 --nxCloud skip

This will generate a new workspace with the following structure:

├── apps/
│   ├── my-app/
│   └── my-app-e2e/
├── nx.json
├── package.json
├── ...
└── huge-nx.conventions.ts

create-huge-nx accepts all default parameters from the original create-nx-workspace.

How it works?


HugeNx's Conventions

The idea behind the HugeNx's Conventions is to group into a single file all the information needed to generate and maintain a complex Nx workspace that matches your conventional decisions.

Default Generator Options

The goal is to define global options related to a specific generator, equivalent to your configurations in you nx.json.

For example:

export default {
  generators: {
    '@nx/angular:application': { //<-- Generator Identifier
      linter: 'eslint', //<-- List of options
      style: 'css',
      unitTestRunner: 'jest',
      bundler: 'esbuild',
      e2eTestRunner: 'playwright',
      inlineStyle: true,
      inlineTemplate: true,
    '@nx/angular:library': {
      linter: 'eslint',
      unitTestRunner: 'jest',
    '@nx/angular:component': {
      style: 'css',
    '@nx/js:lib': {
      bundler: 'swc',

All Nx options can be found on the Nx API Documentation.

Project Types

When you delve into the documentation on structuring an Nx workspace today, you'll encounter extensive explanations on categorizing your library by scope or type and creating tags that establish your boundaries:

This is really important to follow conventions especially for large project but it required some maintenance and can bring complexity.

For example:

export default {
  projectTypes: {
    'global:angular:app': { //<-- Project Type Identifier
      projectPattern: '*-app', //<-- Pattern matching your naming convention
      generators: [{ generator: '@nx/angular:application' }], //<-- List of generators used to generate that type of project
    'backend:api': {
      projectPattern: '*-api',
      generators: [{ generator: '@nx/nest:application' }],
    'global:angular:lib:data-access': {
      projectPattern: '*-data-access',
      generators: [{ generator: '@nx/angular:library' }],
    'global:angular:lib:feature': {
      projectPattern: '*-feature',
      generators: [{ generator: '@nx/angular:library' }],
    'global:angular:lib:ui:storybook': { //<-- This project type generates a library then a storybook configuration
      projectPattern: '*-ui',
      generators: [
        { generator: '@nx/angular:library' },
        { generator: '@nx/storybook:configuration', options: { uiFramework: '@storybook/angular' } }
    'global:ts:lib:utils': {
      projectPattern: '*-utils',
      generators: [{ generator: '@nx/js:lib', options: { bundler: 'swc' } }],

Workspace Structure

export default {
  workspace: { //<-- The workspace is structured by folders and projects
    apps: { //<-- Generates a folder apps
      'hotel-app': 'global:angular:app', //<-- Generates a project hotel-app by using the project type global:angular:app
      'hotel-api': {//<-- Generates a project hotel-api by using the project type backend:api and extra options
        projectType: 'backend:api',
        options: {
          '@nx/angular:remote': { frontendProject: 'hotel-app' },
    libs: { //<-- Generates a folder libs
      guest: { //<-- Generates a folder guest
        'data-access': 'global:angular:lib:data-access', //<-- Generates a project guest-data-access by using the project type global:angular:lib:data-access
        'booking-feature': 'global:angular:lib:feature', //<-- Generates a project guest-booking-feature by using the project type global:angular:lib:feature
        'feedback-feature': 'global:angular:lib:feature', //<-- Generates a project guest-feedback-feature by using the project type global:angular:lib:feature
      room: { //<-- Generates a folder room
        'data-access': 'global:angular:lib:data-access',
        'list-feature': 'global:angular:lib:feature',
        'request-feature': 'global:angular:lib:feature',
      shared: { //<-- Generates a folder shared
        ui: {//<-- Generates a project shared-ui by using the project type global:angular:lib:ui:storybook and extra options
          projectType: 'global:angular:lib:ui:storybook',
          options: {
            '@nx/storybook:configuration': { project: 'shared-ui' },
        utils: 'global:ts:lib:utils',


Simple Presets


Open Doors:

More Presets

It's now straightforward to create various types of repositories simply by introducing a new huge-nx.conventions.ts file. This approach not only encompasses all Nx presets, but also allows you to describe each type of project in detail, as outlined in the library types section of the Nx documentation.

For instance, you can define the types from the @angular-architects/ddd package and then use this definition to generate a workspace. This flexibility allows for a highly customized setup that caters to the specific needs of your project, leveraging Nx's powerful and extensible tooling ecosystem.

TODO Generate huge-nx.conventions.ts file from AI

TODO Allow Custom Generators

TODO Linting rules to validate Workspace conventions

TODO Crystal Plugin for Projects Discovery from Conventions file

TODO ESlint Rules from Conventions file

TODO Diff vizualization between two generations

Local Development

1. Clone and install dependencies:

pnpm install

2. Build and Publish Libraries Locally

HugeNx provides a series of npm scripts that use predefined conventions to generate a new Nx Workspace. Here are some examples:

These scripts use the tools/publish-local.ts script to start Verdaccio, build the libraries, publish them with a unique version, and create a new Nx Workspace based on the convention file name one level above.


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