1.0.4 ā€¢ Published 4 years ago

create-minimal-app v1.0.4

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Last release
4 years ago


Create a React application quickly. Alternative to create-react-app.


Want to kickstart a React project but tired of using create-react-app?

Don't need any testing, server or other fancy stuff installed by create-react-app?

Hard disk running out of space for using create-react-app in multiple projects?

Here comes the create-minimal-app!!!


npm install -g create-minimal-app


Use the command create-minimal-app or cma in short.

  create-minimal-app <app-name> [options]
  cma <app-name> [options]

  -V, --version                           output the version number
  --cwd                                   creact app in current working directory
  --force                                 force processing while warning exists
  --yarn                                  use Yarn to install packages
  --author <author...>                    name of package author
  --email <email>                         email of package author
  --url <url>                             url of package author
  --ver <version>                         package version
  --desc, --description <description...>  package description
  --kw, --keywords <keywords...>          package keywords
  --bl, --browserslist <browserslist...>  package browserslist
  --repo, --repository <repository>       package repository
  --git [git-repo-url]                    create Git repository
  --css                                   include CSS related plugin for Webpack
  --sass, --scss                          include SASS/SCSS related plugin for Webpack
  --ts                                    include Typescript related plugin for Webpack
  --minify                                include code minifier plugin for Webpack
  --watch                                 Webpack watch changes
  --dev-server [port]                     port of webpack-dev-server
  --src <src>                             entry directory for Webpack
  --dist <dist>                           output directory for Webpack
  --typing                                install typing packages
  --no-install                            do not install packages
  --no-clone                              do not clone static files
  -h, --help                              display help for command
cwdcreact app in current working directoryfalse
forceforce processing while warning exists (usage)false
yarnuse Yarn to install packagesfalse
author <author...>name of package author
email <email>email of package author
url <url>url of package author
ver <version>package version1.0.0
description <description...>desc <desc...>package description
keywords <keywords...>kw <kw...>package keywords
browserslist <browserslist...>bl <bl...>package browserslist['>0.25%', 'not ie 11', 'not op_mini all']
repository <repository>repo <repo>package repository (usage)
git [git-repo-url]create Git repositoryrepository origin is set when providing [git-repo-url] (usage)false
cssinclude CSS related plugin for Webpackfalse
scsssassinclude SCSS/SASS related plugin for Webpackfalse
tsinclude Typescript related plugin for Webpackfalse
minifyinclude code minifier plugin for Webpackfalse
watchwebpack watch changes after buildfalse
dev-server [port]set webpack dev server port9000 if only flag is setfalse
src <src>entry directory for Webpacki.e. entry file located at ./src/index.jsx./src
dist <dist>output directory for Webpack./dist
typinginstall typing packagesfalse
no-installdo not install packagesfalse
no-clonedo not clone static files (file list)false


Please check if the packages below can fulfil most of your requirement. It may be painful to edit webpack.config.js.

After running the program, you will achieve these goals:

  • Install required packages
  • Complete the Webpack configuration
  • Create a simple demo page
  • (Optional) Fill some fields in package.json
  • (Optional) initialize Git repository


With the default setting, you will only install the following packages:

  • react
  • react-dom
  • @babel/core
  • @babel/preset-env
  • @babel/preset-react
  • babel-loader
  • webpack
  • webpack-cli

You can choose to install extra package as you need. webpack.config.js will be modified according to your choice.

CSS/SCSS/SASS (--css / --sass, --scss)

  • style-loader
  • css-loader

SCSS/SASS (--sass, --scss)

  • sass
  • sass-loader

Typescript (--ts)

  • ts-loader
  • typescript
  • fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin

Typing (--ts / --typing)

  • @types/react
  • @types/react-dom

Dev Server (--dev-server)

  • webpack-dev-server

Code Minification (--minify)

  • terser-webpack-plugin

Dev Server

Your may want to include the webpack-dev-server by passing --dev-server [port].

Port 9000 will be used as default.


You can pass --git <git-repo-url> or --repo, --repository <repository> to set the repository of your app.

Specify --repo <repository> only will not initialize Git repo but --git <git-repo-url> will, it will also set repository in package.json.

However, only github, gitlab and bitbucket url will be convert automatically.

Here are some usages with explaination:

  • --repo github:user/repo: Set repository as github:user/repo in package.json but not initialize a local Git repo.
  • --repo github:user/repo --git: Set repository as github:user/repo in package.json and initialize a local Git repo with origin git@github.com:user/repo.git.
  • --git https://github.com:user/repo.git: Set repository as github:user/repo in package.json and initialize a local Git repo with origin git@github.com:user/repo.git.

--repo <repository> --git is identical to --git <git-repo-url>

Only <repository> will be considered when using --repo <repository> --git <git-repo-url> together

Force Action

By default, this program will try not to alter existed file/directory in your app directory.

Some actions are restricted by default.

You can pass --force to the program to bypass those limitation.

File / Directory

Before any write to your app directory, this program check if there is a file with identical name.

By default, those files will not be modified.

For package.json, it will try to merge the difference instead of completely overwrite


Before install a package, this program will check if that package is already in the package.json.

By default, found package will not be installed even if it is not actually installed.

Git Initialize

Before initialize Git, this program will check if a .git directory already in your app directory.

By default, it will not reinitialize Git repository.

When specified --git [git-repo-url] or --repo <repository> --git, this program will run git remote add origin [git-repo-url]. Passing --force will cause an error if origin is already set.


Before using Yarn to install package, this program check if Yarn is installed.

If Yarn is used but not installed, passing --force will use NPM as fallback.

Static Files

Some static files are cloned for the demo page:

+-- dist
ā”‚   +-- index.html
+-- src
|   +-- index.jsx
+-- tsconfig.json

If specify --ts, src/index.jsx will rename to src/index.tsx.

If not specify --ts, tsconfig.json will not be cloned.


If you just want to focus on Webpack without those package.json, Git and static files, use the simplified version create-minimal-app-webpack or cmaw in short.


Options are same as in create-minimal-app (see).

  create-minimal-app-webpack [app-name] [options]
  cmaw [app-name] [options]

  -V, --version        output the version number
  --cwd                creact app in current working directory
  --force              force processing while warning exists
  --yarn               use Yarn to install packages
  --css                include CSS related plugin for Webpack
  --sass, --scss       include SASS/SCSS related plugin for Webpack
  --ts                 include Typescript related plugin for Webpack
  --minify             include code minifier plugin for Webpack
  --watch              Webpack watch changes
  --dev-server [port]  port of webpack-dev-server
  --src <src>          entry directory for Webpack
  --dist <dist>        output directory for Webpack
  --typing             install typing packages
  --no-install         do not install packages
  -h, --help           display help for command

If you don't provide the [app-name], all the stuff will be placed in current working directory.


Release under MIT License


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