0.0.2 • Published 3 years ago
create-roxa-nodewebapp-create v0.0.2
Roxa Node Web Backend App Creator
The scafflold of Node web backend application
Node.js v16.x.x
$ npm init roxa-nodewebapp-creator <your-project-name> # Recommends using lower kebab-case as project name
Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y)
? description #<Your description>
? author name #<Your name>
? author email #<Your email address>
? license MIT
? choose your fave os macOS
Creating a new package in ~/workshop/<your-project-name>
Initializing a git repository
> git init
Installing dependencies using npm
> npm install
Successfully created ~/workshop/<your-project-name>
Congratulation! your node web app project has been created.
$ cd #<your-project-name>
$ code . # Launch VSCode
3 years ago