1.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

create_github_commit v1.1.1

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Last release
7 years ago

Create Github Commit Library

Package site: https://www.npmjs.com/package/create_github_commit


This is a library which lets you create a github commit.


It first started of with the curiosity to be able to do this with the github API. After a lot of digging online, I found that it was quite difficult to do (lets say about 5-6 steps). You can see the process in one of my blog posts

But GitHub is not just a git hosting platform but also has a lot of cool stuff (github pages is a fantastic product). So cool that I'm actually a paying customer and love the unlimited private repositories too.

I thought that it would be cool to make a blog post programmatically to a github hosted page (or one of my static sites). But take it to the next level and create an AWS Lambda endpoint out of it.

Then I thought, this could make a cool Library so I can use it to make cool stuff with Amazon AWS Lambda.

And also, more commits means it looks nicer in your github profile now that things are supposed to be a lot more social. After all, it's a tool for developers to showcase what they are working on right?

Github Contributions




cd ./your_project_name
npm install create_github_commit --save

Example code

Just basic parameters

require('create_github_commit').create_commit({fileobject: {filename: "im_a_little_teapot.md", contents: "# I'm a little teapot\n\nYet another change\n\n![Teapot yo](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51GHlyuQ1JL._SL1200_.jpg)", commit_message: "For a good time, send bitcoins to 1Mdnjtg9CFidwxWRHjaPamfDmTJVtg4nri"}}, function(c) {console.log(c);});

require('create_github_commit').create_commit({githubrepo: "why_i_love_github", fileobject: {filename: "README.md", contents: "# Why I love Github\n\n* It is pretty\n\n* It is easy to edit files\n\n* It is pretty easy to edit files\n\n* I don't even need a GIT Client to edit this\n\n* In fact I'm editing this using the git data API\n\n* It does a cool dance\n\n![Github Style!](https://octodex.github.com/images/gangnamtocat.png)", commit_message: "For a good time, send bitcoins to 1Mdnjtg9CFidwxWRHjaPamfDmTJVtg4nri"}}, function(c) {console.log(c);});

Specify API Key username and repo in parameters too

require('create_github_commit').create_commit({apikey: "githubpersonalapikey", githubuser: "githubuser", githubrepo: "why_i_love_github", fileobject: {filename: "im_a_little_teapot.md", contents: "# I'm a little teapot\n\nYet another change\n\n![Teapot yo](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51GHlyuQ1JL._SL1200_.jpg)", commit_message: "For a good time, send bitcoins to 1Mdnjtg9CFidwxWRHjaPamfDmTJVtg4nri"}}, function(c) {console.log(c);});


You can even do an image

Stored Locally
require('create_github_commit').image_commit({githubrepo: "why_i_love_github", fileobject: {filename: "example.png", commit_message: "1Mdnjtg9CFidwxWRHjaPamfDmTJVtg4nri"}}, function(c) {console.log(c);});
Stored on a remote server

Fetches the image and stores it on github. This is useful for backing up images from an S3 bucket.

require('create_github_commit').image_commit({apikey: "APIKEY", githubrepo: "why_i_love_github", githubuser: "username", fileobject: {filename: "http://howtodoge.com/images/dogen.png", file_is_url: true, filename_to_store: "much_doge_wow.png", commit_message: "1Mdnjtg9CFidwxWRHjaPamfDmTJVtg4nri"}}, function(c) {console.log(c);});


Feel free to check the help wanted tag. This is what I'd like to add.

  • Work out how to upload images too! Would make a nice image backup tool (#1)
  • Make it work with oauth (Would actually add more usecases to this. There's already some usecases here) #2

7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago