99.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

crestron-components-sass v99.0.2

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5 years ago

CH5 Theme Editing Getting Started

Themes directory

  • Themes are located in ./themes directory
  • Color variables are defined in ./ch5-core/themes/

Crestron provides three standard themes for CH5 components.

  • light theme - dark text on light backgrounds
  • dark theme - light text on dark backgrounds
  • high-contrast theme - to aid visually impaired, easily discernable colors with larger fonts

This project provides the source code to reproduce the Crestron provided themes and scripts to extend those themes as 'custom' themes for your projects.

Workstation setup


install Node from https://nodejs.org


install Yarn from https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install

Code Editor

Many choices of available to edit the SASS source code used to create themes.

A fine choice is Visual Studio Code is https://code.visualstudio.com/ with built in support for .css and .scss file editing

Theme building project install

Create directory and expand project archive

Use an unzipping tool to expand the content of the theme building project onto a directory on your workstation

Load necessary libraries

using shell command

yarn install 

Building all the themes

using shell command

Linking betweens themes

There are two types of theme linking:

  • soft linking DEFAULT(an import statement is being to be added in the generated file)
  • hard linking (the content of base theme will be copied in the new generated file)

soft link between default theme and the new theme:

yarn run create-theme THEME_NAME --soft-link


yarn run create-theme THEME_NAME

hard link between default theme and the new theme:

yarn run create-theme THEME_NAME --hard-link 

In order to change the default theme just add the default theme name before --soft-link or --hard-link:

yarn run create-theme THEME_NAME light --soft-link

Bundling the themes

bundling default theme

yarn run bundle-theme-all

bundling default theme and watch

yarn run bundle-and-watch

run scss app in order to view themes changes

yarn run start

bundle and copy themes to another directory with webpack shell command
Note:-Install webpack globally before running webpack shell command.
In order to install webpack globally use command

yarn add webpack -g

Then run below command

webpack --config webpack.run.js --outputpath=RELATIVE_PATH_FOR_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY
webpack --config webpack.run.js --outputpath='../showcase-app/dist/crestron-components-assets' && yarn run cleanjs

bundle and copy themes to another directory via env config
Create '.env' file under 'BlackbirdComponentLibrary/library/crestron-components-sass/' directory
Add given below property and value to env file:-

DESTINATION_RUN_FILE_PATH = '../showcase-app/dist/crestron-components-assets'

Then run shell command

yarn run bundle-theme-all-app-run

Creating custom themes

Note: as of writing of this document, this feature is not completed. How it will work is documented below

Custom themes can be thought of as overwrite of certain portions of an established theme. The most prevalent use case will be a Crestron standard theme to be the established theme, but you can also create a new custom theme from a prior established theme.

A script to create a custom theme is provided. The general syntax is below

yarn run create-theme NewCustomThemeName ExistingThemeName 

where NewCustomThemeName is the name of your custom theme and ExistingThemeName is the name of the theme to be extended

example would be

yarn run create-theme big-bucks-customer light 

will create the sources that when compiled will create a big-bucks-customer-theme.css file

A future change to the existing theme will be incorporated into the custom theme with a recompilation of the custom theme.

Structure of the project

Theme specific directives and files

The difference between the themes are introduced in directories and files of the 'themes' directory. As example, changes to themes/big-bucks-customer/big-bucks-customer-theme.scss will only change the big-bucks-customer theme output.

Theme independent directives and files

The theme definition that is common across all themes, both Crestron standard themes and Custom themes are in directories and files with names of the CH5 components. For instance the ch5-button (previously it was ch5-button) directory contains directives for ch5-buttons in all themes.

Promoting theme independent directives to a Custom Theme.

Should there be a directive that is currently common across themes that you wish to 'promote' to be changed specifically in your custom theme, to insure your custom theme can properly be upgraded with changes to the Crestron standard and common across other theme attributes, copy and paste the directive from the common location to the custom theme location and make the change in the custom theme location. The compilation process will respect the specific theme directives and override the theme independent directives.

Testing your updates

This Section will be written when a procedure is better documented