0.1.9 • Published 7 years ago

cropbox v0.1.9

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Last release
7 years ago

jquery-cropbox plugin.

jQuery plugin for in-place image cropping (zoom & pan, as opposed to select and drag).

This plugin depends only on jQuery. If either Hammer.js or jquery.hammer.js is loaded, the cropbox plugin will support gestures for panning and zooming the cropbox. Similary, if the jquery.mousewheel.js plugin is loaded, then the cropbox plugin will support zoom in & out using the mousewheel. All dependencies on third party libraries (other than jQuery) are strictly optional. Support for CommonJS and AMD loading is built in.

In browsers that support the HTML5 FIle API and Canvas API, the cropbox plugin provides mehtods to crop the image on the client and obtain the resulting cropped image as a Data URL or a binary blob to upload it to the server.

Check out the plugin in action here http://acornejo.github.io/jquery-cropbox/

History: This plugin started as a fork of jQcrop, and added touch support, mousewheel support and client resize support through the canvas api.

Install with Bower: bower install cropbox


	    width: 200,
		height: 200
	}, function() {
		//on load
		console.log('Url: ' + this.getDataURL());
	}).on('cropbox', function(e, data) {
        console.log('crop window: ' + data);




To get the crop results, bind a function on the cropbox event or read the object's result property .

    $('yourimage').cropbox({width: 250, height: 250})
    .on('cropbox', function (e, result) {

A reference to the cropbox object can be accessed like so:

	var crop = $('yourimage').data('cropbox');

or inside the onload function:

	var crop = $('yourimage').cropbox({}, function() {

You then have access to all the properties and methods used for that specific element.

Bug Reporting

Use the issues section to report any problems or questions regarding jquery-cropbox.

Please understand that I develop this plugin in my spare time, which is limited. To make the best use of my time, I ask that you submit a detailed bug report and include a jsfiddle that exhibits the problem, otherwise I won't be able to offer much help.

A sample jsfiddle is provided here, fork it and create a minimal example that recreates the problem you are having and provide a link to it in the issue.