0.0.2 • Published 13 years ago
crutch v0.0.2
Crutch is a (terrible) way to use Chronic in NodeJS applications.
In a nutshell
var parse = require('crutch').parse
parse( 'next tuesday at 2pm', function( err, date, str ){
if (err) throw err;
console.log( 'Javascript date object: ', date );
console.log( 'Chronic actually said: ', str );
Getting Crutch
Install via npm, thusly:
npm install crutch
Why would you do this?
Honestly, because missing Chronic is keeping me from building shit in Node.
What about (insert JS date-parsing library)?
I didn't find one I considered "robust enough" when I looked.
"Crutch" is exactly that: something to lean on until it's no longer useful. I hope that's soon.
Can I use it in production?
I might, but you probably wouldn't want to.
How does it work?
It spawns a ruby process, then uses JSON-RPC's ugly cousin to coax magic of Chronic#parse.
Who are you?
Send your hate-mail to: Kieran Huggins, partner at Refactory in Toronto, Canada.