0.0.8 • Published 2 years ago

cryptpass v0.0.8

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Last release
2 years ago


CryptPass is a library, written in TypeScript, for encrypting credentials into a data structure, named KeyPass, with a two ways protection (a master password and a numeric sequence).

For more technical and architectural details see CryptPass website.


From npm repository

You can add CryptPass library to your project just typing:

npm i cryptpass

Get from github

You can clone this project from github:

git clone https://github.com/ossacolsale/CryptPass.git

cd CryptPass


The only useful compilation is the one made to get the bundled version of the library, in pure javascript.

Bundle in pure javascript

npm update

npm run build

npm run bundle

And you can find the resulting bundled js library on dist/LibCryptPass.js.


If you use TypeScript with the CryptPass bundled version, you can import the file TypesForBundle.d.ts that contains the most useful type definitions.

There are two main data structures that are managed by CryptPass: the KeyPassObj (where all credentials are stored) and the SequenceObj (where the secret sequence number is stored); they are simply two javascript objects.

We can distinguish two main classes:

  • ConfigCryptPass (to initialize and configure CryptPass)
  • CryptPass (to manage credentials)

The class CryptPass is efficient only in a native node.js context. If you want to adopt CryptPass bundled, in pure javascript, you should use CryptPassCached instead. So, for completeness, if you adopt the bundled version you should use:

  • ConfigCryptPass (to initialize and configure CryptPass)
  • CryptPassCached (to get/set a static copy of credentials and master key)
  • EntriesManage (to manage credentials)

Every class that contains the name CryptPass inside, needs three parameters in input: the KeyPassObj (even empty), the SequenceObj (even empty) and an instance of StdWriters class. That details of this last one are specified as follows:

interface StdWriters {
    SequenceWriter: ObjWriter; //a function that writes in mass memory the SequenceObj (into a file or into a Database or whatever)
    KeyPassWriter: ObjWriter; //a function that writes in mass memory the KeyPassObj (into a file or into a Database  or whatever)

//the ObjWriter is that type:

type ObjWriter = (Obj: {}, KeepBackup?: boolean) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
    it takes in input a javascript object and, optionally, a boolean to indicate when to keep a backup copy of the stored object
    it returns in output a boolean meaning that the object has been correctly stored or not

Class ConfigCryptPass

Here are the methods with the respective description:

  • constructor(ObjRW: StdWriters, KeyPassObj?: {}, SequenceObj?: {}), constructor that requires the parameters described above
  • getLastChange(): Date, it returns the last "master password" change date
  • restoreSeq(sequence: number[]): Promise<boolean>, async method to restore the sequence number
  • getSequence(): number[], async method to return the sequence number
  • initSeqAndKey(password: string): Promise<boolean>, async method to initialize both sequence number (it generates a pseudo-random one) and keypass object
  • refreshSequence(password: string): Promise<boolean>, async method to change the sequence number (it generates a pseudo-random new one)
  • checkPwd(password: string): boolean, it checks whether the master password is correct or not
  • chPwd(oldPassword: string, newPassword: string): Promise<boolean>, async method to change the master password

The most important method is initSeqAndKey because you must use it to initialize the data structures of CryptPass.

Class CryptPass

Here are the methods with the respective description:

  • constructor(password: string, ObjRW: StdWriters, KeyPassObj?: {}, SequenceObj?: {}), constructor that requires the parameters described above
  • getPassDescription(): string, to get the wallet description
  • setPassDescription(description: string): Promise<boolean>, to set the wallet description (remember: that's the only information not being encrypted)
  • addEntry(entry: EntryView): Promise<boolean>, it adds an entry to the wallet
  • getEntry(name: string): false | EntryView, it gets an entry from the wallet by its name
  • getEntryNames(): string[], it gets the list of every entry name from the wallet
  • updateEntry(entry: EntryView): Promise<boolean>, it updates an entry data (except for the name)
  • updateEntryName(oldName: string, newName: string): Promise<boolean>, it updates an entry name
  • deleteEntry(name: string): Promise<boolean>, it deletes an entry

Class CryptPassCached

Here are the methods with the respective description:

  • constructor(ObjRW: StdWriters, KeyPassObj?: {}, SequenceObj?: {}), constructor that requires the parameters described above
  • getPassDescription(): string, the same as CryptPass class
  • setPassDescription(description: string): Promise<boolean>, the same as CryptPass class;
  • SetEntries(entries: Entries, passwordOrK: string, isK?: boolean): Promise<boolean>, it sets the entire Entries object and needs the master password or the master key to be passed in input (if you pass the master key, the parameter isK must be true)
  • GetEntriesManage(passwordOrK: string, isK?: boolean): EntriesManage, returns an EntriesManage object
  • GetK(password: string): string | false, returns the master key

Class EntriesManage

Here are the methods with the respective description:

  • constructor(entries: Entries), it needs an Entries object to be managed as input
  • set Entries(entries: Entries), it's a setter to set Entries object

(actually there is no need to use the two preceding methods)

  • AddEntry(Value: EntryView): boolean, it adds an entry to the wallet
  • GetEntry(Name: string): EntryView | false, it gets an entry from the wallet by its name
  • GetEntryNames(): string[], it gets the list of every entry name from the wallet
  • UpdateEntry(Value: EntryView): boolean, it updates an entry data (except for the name)
  • UpdateEntryName(Name: string, NewName: string): boolean, it updates an entry name
  • DeleteEntry(Name: string): boolean, it deletes an entry
  • Export(): Entries, it returns the Entries object to be eventually stored with SetEntries() method of CryptPassCached class

Interface EntryView

This interface is pretty self-explaining. The only thing to know is that, when you pass it as an input to a method, you must fill at least the Name property.

interface EntryValue {
    Description?: string;
    Tags?: string;
    Username?: string;
    Password?: string;
    PIN?: string;
    Other?: {
        [Name: string]: string;

interface EntryView extends EntryValue {
    Name?: string;
    Date?: Date;
    DateStr?: string;

Sample code (node.js)

//suppose to have two custom methods for reading and writing text files

const writeToAFile = (filePath: string, fileContent: string): boolean => {
    ///here your custom code that writes "fileContent" to "filePath"
    ///and returns true on success or false on failure
    return true;

const readFileContent = (filePath: string): string => {
    ///here your custom code that reads the content of "filePath"
    ///and returns that content as string
    return 'file content...';

//define the object writers

const KeyPassWriter = async (kp: {}): Promise<boolean> => {
    return writeToAFile('pathToMyKeyPassFile.json',JSON.stringify(kp)); //for example write it to a file (but you can write it to a database or to a variable etc.)

const SequenceWriter = async (seq: {}): Promise<boolean> => {
    return writeToAFile('pathToMySequenceFile.json',JSON.stringify(seq)); //for example write it to a file (but you can write it to a database or to a variable etc.)

//define the Standard writer object

const StandardW = {
    SequenceWriter: SequenceWriter,
    KeyPassWriter: KeyPassWriter

//declare a new ConfigCryptPass class

const Config = new ConfigCryptPass(StandardW, {}, {});

//initialize a new sequence and keypass

await Config.initSeqAndKey('myVeryVery...ReallyStrongPassword');

//declare a CryptPass class (in production put it inside try/catch block to handle wrong password error)

const Cryptpass = new CryptPass('myVeryVery...ReallyStrongPassword', StandardW, JSON.parse(readFileContent('pathToMyKeyPassFile.json')), JSON.parse(readFileContent('pathToMySequenceFile.json')));

//add an entry

await CryptPass.addEntry({
    Name: 'Bank account',
    Description: 'My bank account on HSBC',
    Tags: 'me, bank',
    Username: '551238899',
    Password: 'mySuperStrongBankreadyPassword?!?!?',
    PIN: '999999',
    Other: {
        'Recovery answer': 'Mom'
} as EntryView);

//get all entry names


['Bank account']


//get an entry
console.log(CryptPass.getEntry('Bank account'));

    Name: 'Bank account',
    Description: 'My bank account on HSBC',
    Tags: 'me, bank',
    Username: '551238899',
    Password: 'mySuperStrongBank-readyPassword?!?!?',
    PIN: '999999',
    Other: {
        'Recovery answer': 'Mom'
    Date: Mon Jun 20 2022 17:00:31

Sample code (bundled pure javascript)

//suppose to have two custom methods for reading and writing text files

const writeToAFile = (filePath: string, fileContent: string): boolean => {
    ///here your custom code that writes "fileContent" to "filePath"
    ///and returns true on success or false on failure
    return true;

const readFileContent = (filePath: string): string => {
    ///here your custom code that reads the content of "filePath"
    ///and returns that content as string
    return 'file content...';

//define the object writers

const KeyPassWriter = async (kp: {}): Promise<boolean> => {
    return writeToAFile('pathToMyKeyPassFile.json',JSON.stringify(kp)); //for example write it to a file (but you can write it to a database or to a variable etc.)

const SequenceWriter = async (seq: {}): Promise<boolean> => {
    return writeToAFile('pathToMySequenceFile.json',JSON.stringify(seq)); //for example write it to a file (but you can write it to a database or to a variable etc.)

//define the Standard writer object

const StandardW = {
    SequenceWriter: SequenceWriter,
    KeyPassWriter: KeyPassWriter

//declare a new ConfigCryptPass class

const Config = new LibCryptPass.ConfigCryptPass(StandardW, {}, {});

//initialize a new sequence and keypass

await Config.initSeqAndKey('myVeryVery...ReallyStrongPassword');

//declare a CryptPassCached class

const Cryptpass = new LibCryptPass.CryptPassCached(StandardW, JSON.parse(readFileContent('pathToMyKeyPassFile.json')), JSON.parse(readFileContent('pathToMySequenceFile.json')));

//get the master key

const K = Cryptpass.GetK('myVeryVery...ReallyStrongPassword');

//get the EntriesManage instance (in production put it inside try/catch block to handle wrong password error)

const EM = Cryptpass.GetEntriesManage(K, true);

//add an entry

    Name: 'Bank account',
    Description: 'My bank account on HSBC',
    Tags: 'me, bank',
    Username: '551238899',
    Password: 'mySuperStrongBankreadyPassword?!?!?',
    PIN: '999999',
    Other: {
        'Recovery answer': 'Mom'
} as EntryView);

//save the changes! because you are managing credentials wallet externally, through EntriesManage class

await Cryptpass.SetEntries(EM.Export(), K, true);

//get all entry names


['Bank account']


//get an entry
console.log(EM.GetEntry('Bank account'));

    Name: 'Bank account',
    Description: 'My bank account on HSBC',
    Tags: 'me, bank',
    Username: '551238899',
    Password: 'mySuperStrongBank-readyPassword?!?!?',
    PIN: '999999',
    Other: {
        'Recovery answer': 'Mom'
    Date: Mon Jun 20 2022 17:00:31