1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

crystalpay-wrapper v1.0.0

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Last release
1 year ago


Convenient Node module for interacting with the CrystalPAY API


Install it from npm:

npm install crystalpay-wrapper


Create a new CrystalPAY object

const CrystalPAY = require('crystalpay-wrapper');

const crystalPay = new CrystalPAY ({
   auth_login: 'login',
   auth_secret: 'secret',
   salt: 'secret_salt'

Creating a webhook

crystalPay.createWebhook(3000, '/invoice', 'invoice');
crystalPay.createWebhook(3000, '/payoff', 'payoff');

crystalPay.events.on('invoice', (data) => {
   const check = crystalPay.checkSignature(data);
   if (check) console.log('Signature verification passed');
   else return console.error('Signature verification failed!');
   // code

crystalPay.events.on('payoff', (data) => {
   const check = crystalPay.checkSignature(data);
   if (check) console.log('Signature verification passed');
   else return console.error('Signature verification failed!');
   // code

Getting information about the shop

const response = await crystalPay.info();
 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "id": 123456789,
 "name": "examplename",
 "status_level": 2,
 "created_at": "2023-07-19 12:34:56"

Getting information about payment methods

const response = await crystalPay.methods();
 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "methods": {
     "name": "CrystalPAY P2P",
     "enabled": true,
     "extra_commission_percent": 0,
     "minimal_status_level": 0,
     "currency": "RUB",
     "commission_percent": 0,
     "commission": 0

Changing payment method settings

const response = await crystalPay.methodEdit('CRYSTALPAY', 0, true);
 "error": false,
 "errors": []

Getting a shop balance

const response = await crystalPay.balance();
 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "balances": {
   "LZTMARKET": { "amount": 100, "currency": "RUB" },
   "BITCOIN": { "amount": 0.00005, "currency": "BTC" },

Invoicing for payment

const response = await crystalPay.invoiceCreate({
   amount: 100, // *
   type: 'topup', // *
   lifetime: 3000, // *
   amount_currency: 'RUB',
   callback_url: '',
   description: 'invoice',
   extra: 'id=1',
   payer_details: 'test@gmail.com',
   redirect_url: 'https://google.com',
   required_method: 'LZTMARKET'

* - required

 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "id": "123456789_abcdefghij",
 "url": "https://pay.crystalpay.io/?i=123456789_abcdefghij",
 "amount": 100,
 "type": "purchase"

Getting invoice information

const response = await crystalPay.invoiceInfo('123456789_abcdefghij');
 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "id": "123456789_abcdefghij",
 "url": "https://pay.crystalpay.io/?i=123456789_abcdefghij",
 "state": "notpayed",
 "type": "purchase",
 "method": null,
 "required_method": "",
 "currency": "RUB",
 "service_commission": 0,
 "extra_commission": 0,
 "amount": 100,
 "pay_amount": 100,
 "remaining_amount": 100,
 "balance_amount": 100,
 "description": "",
 "redirect_url": "https://crystalpay.io/",
 "callback_url": "",
 "extra": "",
 "created_at": "2023-01-01 00:00:00",
 "expired_at": "2023-01-03 12:34:56"

Creating a payoff request

const response = await crystalPay.payoffCreate({
   amount: 100, // *
   method: 'BITCOIN', // *
   subtract_from: 'balance', // *
   wallet: '123456789', // *
   amount_currency: 'ETH',
   callback_url: '',
   extra: 'id=1'

* - required

 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "id": "123456789_dpWminAiaqwTcBOJVlFk",
 "method": "ETHEREUM",
 "commission": 0.0015,
 "amount": 0.002,
 "rub_amount": 193,
 "receive_amount": 0.0005,
 "deduction_amount": 0.002,
 "subtract_from": "amount",
 "currency": "ETH"

Confirmation of the payoff request

const response = await crystalPay.payoffSubmit('123456789_dpWminAiaqwTcBOJVlFk');

signature is automatically created

 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "id": "123456789_dpWminAiaqwTcBOJVlFk",
 "state": "processing",
 "method": "ETHEREUM",
 "currency": "ETH",
 "commission": 0.0015,
 "amount": 0.002,
 "rub_amount": 193,
 "receive_amount": 0.0005,
 "deduction_amount": 0.002,
 "subtract_from": "amount",
 "wallet": "examplewallet",
 "message": "",
 "callback_url": "",
 "extra": "",
 "created_at": "2023-01-01 11:11:11"

Cancellation of the payoff request

const response = await crystalPay.payoffCancel('123456789_dpWminAiaqwTcBOJVlFk');

signature is automatically created

 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "id": "123456789_dpWminAiaqwTcBOJVlFk",
 "state": "canceled",
 "method": "ETHEREUM",
 "currency": "ETH",
 "commission": 0.0015,
 "amount": 0.002,
 "rub_amount": 193,
 "receive_amount": 0.0005,
 "deduction_amount": 0.002,
 "subtract_from": "amount",
 "wallet": "examplewallet",
 "message": "Canceled",
 "callback_url": "",
 "extra": "",
 "created_at": "2023-01-01 11:11:11"

Getting information about a payoff request

const response = await crystalPay.payoffInfo('123456789_dpWminAiaqwTcBOJVlFk');

signature is automatically created

 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "id": "123456789_dpWminAiaqwTcBOJVlFk",
 "state": "canceled",
 "method": "ETHEREUM",
 "currency": "ETH",
 "commission": 0.0015,
 "amount": 0.002,
 "rub_amount": 193,
 "receive_amount": 0.0005,
 "deduction_amount": 0.002,
 "subtract_from": "amount",
 "wallet": "examplewallet",
 "message": "Canceled",
 "callback_url": "",
 "extra": "",
 "created_at": "2023-01-01 11:11:11"

Getting a list of available currencies

const response = await crystalPay.tickers();
 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "tickers": [

Getting the exchange rate against the ruble

const response = await crystalPay.tickerGet(["BTC", "LTC"]);
 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "base_currency": "RUB",
 "currencies": {
   "BTC": { "price": 1432359 },
   "LTC": { "price": 5755.99 }

Getting payment history

const response = await crystalPay.historyPayments(1, 10);
 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "payments": [
     "id": "123456789_abcdefghij",
     "state": "notpayed",
     "method": null,
     "currency": "RUB",
     "amount": 100,
     "created_at": "2023-01-01 11:11:11",
     "expired_at": "2024-01-01 11:11:11"

Getting the payoffs history

const response = await crystalPay.historyPayoffs(1, 10);
 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "payoffs": [
     "id": "123456789_dpWminAiaqwTcBOJVlFk",
     "state": "created",
     "method": "ETHEREUM",
     "currency": "ETH",
     "amount": 0.002,
     "created_at": "2023-01-01 11:11:11"

Getting summary history

const response = await crystalPay.historySummary();
 "error": false,
 "errors": [],
 "incoming": {
   "payed_amount": 2000,
   "total_count": 60,
   "payed_count": 5
 "outgoing": {
   "payed_amount": 1500,
   "total_count": 5,
   "payed_count": 4


This project is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to modify and distribute the code as per the terms of the license.