2.2.4 • Published 3 years ago

cs-auth-adapter v2.2.4

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Last release
3 years ago


UI Auth Adapter (Mobile & Web)

.. topic:: Overview

The `Crate Solutions Auth Adapter` is a library installed via `npm`. The library's sole function is the management
of the `authentication` process in frontend applications. This management includes, acquisition of `tokens` as well
as storage and periodic refreshing.

.. topic:: How does it work ?

The library exposes a dedicated function for each application type as different `local storage` systems are in use
for `mobile` and `browser` based applications. The repository is hosted on `github packages`. The `use` function
returns the `authorize_token` to be used as a `Bearer` token in `API` requests. Moreover, the same token is saved
in `session` or `async` storage.

An `evn` variable needs to be set for the keycloak adapter `UI_KEYCLOAK_ADAPTER` and client id `UI_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID`

Refresh tokens expire in `30` minutes. The adapter manages this by requisition of a new token in `29` minutes.


.. code-block::

 npm i --save cs-auth-adapter

Web Apps

Tokens can be generated in two ways, either by passing an existing `keycloak` `access_token` string or passing a
username and password. If a token is passed, one needs to pass the `clientId`. The arguments not used should be
passed `null`. The base URL should be environment specific.

.. code-block::

 import { useWebAuthAdapter } from 'cs-auth-adapter';

 const authToken = await useWebAuthAdapter(token, null, baseURL, clientID);

 // or

 const authToken = await useWebAuthAdapter(null, credentials, baseURL);

Mobile Apps

Tokens are generated by passing credentials generated from the `keycloak` master admin panel.

.. code-block::

 import { useMobileAuthAdapter } from 'cs-auth-adapter';

 const authToken = await useMobileAuthAdapter(AsyncStorage, credentials, baseURL);

3 years ago


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3 years ago