1.0.4 • Published 3 years ago

css-houdini-lines v1.0.4

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3 years ago

CSS Houdini Lines

A CSS Houdini Worklet to show connected nodes.

CSS Houdini Lines

Getting started

1. Load the worklet

Using CDN is the easiest way to add the library:

if ('paintWorklet' in CSS) {

Or, download the latest lines Worklet and import it to your web page:

if ('paintWorklet' in CSS) {

You can use the polyfill

To add support for all moder browsers, you can load the worklet with css-paint-polyfill fallback.

  ;(async function() {
    if (CSS['paintWorklet'] === undefined)
      await import('https://unpkg.com/css-paint-polyfill')


3. Ready to use it in your CSS!

To use Lines worlet you need define some custom properties with values and add the value paint(lines) on background-image property.

The worklet has default values if you don't define these

.element {
  --lines-colors: #f94144, #f3722c, #f8961e, #f9844a;
  --lines-widths: 10, 2, 3, 8;
  --lines-gaps: 20, 4, 3, 7;
  --lines-rotate: 0; /* In degrees */

  background-image: paint(lines);
propertydescriptiondefault value
--lines-colorsColor lines, you can define one or more hexadecimal colors comma separated#71a7ee, #7940c1
--lines-widthsWidth lines, you can define one or more line widths comma separated6, 2
--lines-gapsGap lines, you can define one or more gaps comma separated8
--lines-rotateRotation lines, with an interger0


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 CSS Houdini