2.0.0 • Published 9 months ago

css-in-console v2.0.0

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9 months ago
import { log, style } from "css-in-console";
const css= style`
	@import "./example.css";
	.h1{ color: red; }
	.h1::before{ content: "# "; }
	.li{ display: list-item; }
	.b{ font-weight: bold;}
log("%cHeading 1", css.h1);
log("%cParagraph & code style –", css.p,
	"let's say they are defined in the file %c`./example.css`%c.",
	css.code, css.unset);
log("UL %c↓%c:", "color:green", css.unset);
log("%cLI (by default %cstarts%c with `- `)",
	css.li, css.b, css.unset,
	"…you can use `list-style-type` to change it."


css-in-console is a library that allows you to style terminal outputs in JavaScript/TypeScript code using a CSS-like syntax. Primarily, this can be used to apply certain text formatting and its colors. Furthermore, some additional CSS structures are also supported (see below).

The library offers alternatives to native functions console.log/util.format/…. In the exported functions (log/error/format/formatWithOptions), you can apply styling according to Styling console output.


You can install the css-in-console library using your favorite package manager.

For example, with npm:

npm install css-in-console --save

If you are OK with only basic styling (no at-rules, …), you can use the 1.x.y version:

npm install css-in-console@1 --save


First, you need to import the required functions from the css-in-console library:

import { format, formatWithOptions, log, error, style } from 'css-in-console';
// OR
import log from 'css-in-console';

Basic usage

You can use the log and error functions to print styled messages to the console. For example:

log("%cRed text", "color:red");
error("%cGreen text", "color:green");

…or prepare formatted text:

console.log(format("%cBlue text", "color:blue"));
console.log(formatWithOptions({ colors: true }, "%cBlue text", "color:blue"));

The exported functions process the CSS (%c expression) in the first step and then return to the corresponding native functions:

Important consequence: %c is processed firstly so instead of log("%i%c", 5, "color:red") you must reorder arguments and so use log("%i%c", "color:red", 5)! (log("%i%c", A, B)console.log("%i★", B), where ★ is text with apllied styling or empty depends on A)

Defining CSS-like rules

You can also use the style/css or log.style/log.css helpers to prepare styling rules (they are aliases for the same function). Originally, there was only style, but other options (mainly log.css) seem to be convenient when you want to use css variable and use syntax highlight in your editor, e.g.:

const css= log.css`
	.example{ color: red; }
log("%cExample", css.example);

Documentation and Examples

For library documentation and examples, see:

In the following we will introduce the supported CSS constructs. Beware of using ‘real’ CSS! Treat the syntax more like keywords, the library is not intended to implement a CSS parser. CSS at-rules and selectors are supported only when used in style/css/log.css functions.

CSS at-rules

This library mimic At-rules | MDN behaviour and supports:

  • 	Supported syntax is only `@import 'url';`, you can provide full path or relative to main script (internally uses `argv[1]`).
    	const importedStyles = style("@import './styles.css'");
    	…there is also another limitation, the `@import` is supported **only inside `style`/`css`/`log.css` functions**.
    	For original documentation visits [@import - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@import).
  • 	…so, only `color` is supported:
    	@media (color){ … }
    	@media not (color){ … }
    	…in case of terminal the `color` means [ANSI escape codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code). Meaning, colors and font styling.
    	For original documentation visits [@media - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media).
    	*Note 1: Experimentaly, you can use `(--terminal-stdout)`/`not (--terminal-stdout)` to style terminal stdout/stderr output differently.*
    	*Note 2: Also logical CSS keywords (`and`/`or`) are experimentaly supported. Eg. `@media (color) and (not (--terminal-stdout))…`.*
  • 	The implementation in this library is very similar to the specification.
    	@counter-style thumbs {
    		system: cyclic;
    		symbols: 👍;
    		suffix: " ";
    	.li {
    		display: list-item;
    		list-style: thumbs;
    	You can utilize the `symbols`, `suffix`, `prefix`, `pad`, and `negative`
    	properties in a manner similar to the CSS specification.
    	Additionally, you can specify `system` values of `fixed`, `cyclic`, `numeric`
    	and `alphabetic`, just like in CSS. Furthermore, you can use library-specific
    	`--terminal-*` systems such as `--terminal-datetime` (`--terminal-date` and
    	`--terminal-time`) as illustrated in the `list-style` examples below.
    	The cyclic `⠋ ⠙ ⠹ ⠸ ⠼ ⠴ ⠦ ⠧ ⠇ ⠏` symbols are available through
    	the `--terminal-spin` property.
    	Predefined counters include `decimal` and `--terminal-*` (`datetime`/`date`/`time` and `spin`).
    	log("%c@counter-style", `display: list-item;
    		list-style: decimal`); //= 1. @counter-style
    	log("%c@counter-style", `display: list-item;
    		list-style: --terminal-spin`); //= ⠋ @counter-style
    	log("%c@counter-style", `display: list-item;
    		list-style: --terminal-datetime`); //= 2023-05-05T10:28:18.696 @counter-style
    	log("%c@counter-style", `display: list-item;
    		list-style: --terminal-date`); //= 2023-05-05 @counter-style
    	log("%c@counter-style", `display: list-item;
    		list-style: --terminal-time`); //= 10:28:18.697 @counter-style
    	…you can extend these with `extend` syntax `system: extend --terminal-time;`.
    	To utilize `--terminal-*` date and time counters, you can use `--terminal-mask: <symbols> <mask>;`.
    	Symbols contains two characters (first/second represents ‘remove’/‘keep’), see example:
    	--terminal-mask: "01" "111111CSS001"
    	…this mask applied to “Hello World!” leads to “Hello CSS!”.
    	For more information, see:
    	- [some examples `./examples/counter-style.js`](./examples/counter-style.js)
    	- [@counter-style - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@counter-style).
    	- [counter() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/counter)

CSS selectors

Classes are the preferred selectors because they are intuitive as object properties:

const css= log.css`
	.example{ … }
log("%cExample", css.example);

…it is also convenient not to use kebab-case names.

Technically, it is possible to use ID selectors and HTML elements. But these are escaped using .replaceAll(/[\.#]/g, "") and (so far?) no practical effect from using them.

In term of pseudo-elements, only ::before/::after are supported.

Other CSS selectors are not supported (and probably have no use in the terminal).

CSS rules

As mentioned above, mostly more keywords than syntax. You can use initial value to sets the initial value of any property.

  • Rules marked with {★} are ignored when the colors are not supported.
  • Rules marked with {!::} are not supported for ::before/::after.
  • color: <color> / background: <color> {★}: see supported colors
  • margin-left: <number> / margin-right: <number> {!::}: inserts spaces before/after the string. Measurements <number><measurement> can also be used (e.g. ch makes sense). But in the post-processing is ignored.
  • padding-left: <number> / padding-right: <number> {!::}: For now just alias for margin-*
  • font-style: italic {★}
  • font-weight: bold {★}
  • text-decoration: underline|line-through {★}
  • animation: blink {★}
  • tab-size: <number> {!::}: all tabs will be replaced with given number of spaces (default: 7)
  • display: none {★}
  • display: list-item {!::}: basic implementation of list-style-type - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN - list-style-type: "<string>": defaults to "- " - list-style-type: <counter> (see @counter-style above) - list-style: *: just an alias for list-style-type
  • content: *: supported only for ::before and ::after, library implements only basic of content - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN - content: "<string>" - content: <counter/string combination>: you can use counter()
  • counter-increment: only <counter>/<counter> <integer> values are supported
  • counter-reset: only <counter>/<counter> <integer> values are supported

Options under consideration for next release(s)

  • somehow determine dark/light background ⇒ @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) (similarly for light)
  • width/text-overflow/white-space
  • display:block ⇒ append "\n"?
  • text-align
  • another pseudo-elements e.g. ::first-letter, ::marker, …
  • another at-rules e.g. @supports, …
  • display:table/display:table-row: more likely not, there are better ways to use (for example console.table - npm)
  • position:absolute/position:fixed: starts rewritable mode + @keyframes/animation (for spinners, progress bars, etc.) … more likely not
  • margin-*/padding-*: now work the same

9 months ago


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1 year ago