1.0.9 • Published 8 years ago

css-locals-loader v1.0.9

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Last release
8 years ago

CSS Locals Loader

A webpack plugin to extract more local information out of the css, to expose via css modules. Currently it can expose height:auto, width:auto along with transition timeouts. Why would you need this? Well, browsers don't transition to (hiehgt|width)auto, and so you have to either handle it yourself but this should let other libraries be written on top, that take care of that for you.


 $ npm install css-locals-loader --save-dev

##Configuration Need to add css-locals before your css-loader in the webpack config.


"use strict";
var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');
var path = require('path'), join = path.join.bind(path, __dirname);
var config = {
    //optional array of plugins
    module: {
        loaders: [
                test: /\.css$/,
                loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style-loader', 'css-locals!css?modules&importLoaders=1&localIdentName=[hash:base64:5]_[name]__[local]')
                test: /\.less$/,
                loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style-loader', 'css-locals!css?modules&importLoaders=1&localIdentName=[hash:base64:5]_[name]__[local]!less')

    plugins: [new ExtractTextPlugin('style.css', {allChunks: true})]

module.exports = config;


Once you have webpack all straightened out, in your client side JS.

var fadeIn = require('./less/fadeIn.less');
//fadeIn now has @enterTimeout.
  "enter": "1234_fadeIn_enter",
  "@enterTimeout": 4000

##Plugin API To add your own locals munger the api is

//locals -> are the current locals, you can/should modify this.
module.exports = function yourLocals(locals){
   return function(css, result){
    //this gets executed by postcss, see its documentation for more info 

##Plugin API Usage To activate the plugin add it to the cssLocals property on your webpack config.

var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
    //optional array of plugins. If defined, you need to add the default plugin back in if your want to use it.
    cssLocals:[require('./your-plugin'), 'css-locals-transition']
    module: {
        loaders: [
                test: /\.css$/,
                loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style-loader', 'css-locals!css?modules&importLoaders=1&localIdentName=[hash:base64:5]_[name]__[local]')
                test: /\.less$/,
                loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style-loader', 'css-locals!css?modules&importLoaders=1&localIdentName=[hash:base64:5]_[name]__[local]!less')

    plugins: [new ExtractTextPlugin('style.css', {allChunks: true})]
