1.0.2 • Published 8 years ago

cta-scr-api-client-durban-2015 v1.0.2

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Last release
8 years ago

cta-scr-api-client (Durban hackathon 2015 edition)


The API client module for the CTA Shared Content Repository

This is a special version of the API client that was made and published specifically for the AgriHack challenge in Durban



$ npm install cta-scr-api-client-durban-2015 --save


Generate a project and then run grunt to build/update the distribution sources. You can also use grunt watch to continuously update when file changes are detected.

enrichment event subscribtion

There is a pubsub-js based setup you can subscribe to like so:

subscription = api.events.subscribe( "enrichment", ( msg, data ) ->
    console.log( "[SOCKET] enrichment", msg, data or "" )

or for only articles:

subscription = api.events.subscribe( "enrichment.article", ( msg, data ) ->
    console.log( "[SOCKET] enrichment", msg, data or "" )

or for a specific article:

subscription = api.events.subscribe( "enrichment.article.<articleId>", ( msg, data ) ->
    console.log( "[SOCKET] enrichment", msg, data or "" )

Don't forget to unsubscribe when you no longer want to listen to the messages:

api.events.unsubscribe( subscription )

The msg will contain the full message name. This will always be in the format:


The data will be an object that looks like this:

    type:       "article",
    id:         articleId,
    success:    true,
    msg:        "done"
