0.1.1 • Published 3 years ago

culap-sdk v0.1.1

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Last release
3 years ago


This provides quick access to KULAP system where you can find the best rate when do swap or pay using ERC-20 tokens.


Install the SDK using npm or yarn

yarn add kulap-sdk

You will need to supply the provider whether from web3.js or ethers.js in order to initialize the SDK.


const { Kulap } = require("kulap-sdk")
const Web3 = require('web3')

const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_PROJECT_ID"))

const kulapSDK = new Kulap('access_key',web3.currentProvider) // getting access key from the kulap.io console

ES6 / Typescript with injected Web3

import { Kulap } from "kulap-sdk"

const kulapSDK = new Kulap('access_key', window.ethereum) // getting access key from the kulap.io console

Quick Start

Example: Swap 100 DAI to LINK

const srcToken = "DAI"
const destToken = "LINK"
const amountIn = "100000000000000000000" // 100 DAI in Wei unit

const response = await kulapSDK.getRate(baseToken, pairToken, amountIn) // Get best rate from off-chain API

const isApproved = await kulapSDK.validate(response) // Check allowance of DAI token to Kulap DEX smart contract is made

if (!isApproved) {
  await kulapSDK.approve(response) // Giving a permission to Kulap DEX smart contract, the rights to transfer DAI

await kulapSDK.trade(response) // Execute trade


To retrieve the list all available tokens

const symbols = kulapSDK.listSymbols()

To get network ID

const networkId = await kulapSDK.getNetworkId()

To get the rate of a token pair

const srcToken = "ETH"
const destToken = "DAI"
const amountIn = "1000000000000000000" // 1 ETH

const response = await kulapSDK.getRate(baseToken, pairToken, amountIn)
rateBest rate given from off-chain API
routesTrading proxy containing the best rate
fromAmountSource ERC20 token amount in Wei
fromSymbolSource token symbol
toAmountDestination ERC20 token amount in Wei
toSymbolDestination token symbol
gasOptionsGAS price options (SLOW, STD, FAST)

To get the allowance of an ERC20

const isValidated = await kulapSDK.validate(response) // given response when get the rate 
Or you can set manually by:
const fromSymbol = "DAI"
const fromAmount = "100000000000000000000" // 100 DAI
const isValidated = await kulapSDK.validate({ fromSymbol, fromAmount })

To approve an ERC20

await kulapSDK.approve(response) // given response when get the rate 
To provide gas price
await kulapSDK.approve(response, { gasOptions : "FAST" }) // Can be "FAST", "STD", "SLOW" (default : "STD")

Set it all manually

const fromSymbol = "LINK"
await kulapSDK.approve({ fromSymbol }, { gasOptions : "SLOW" })

Execute trade

This will send a transaction to the smart contract and execute trade method with the given provider.

await kulapSDK.trade(response, { gasOptions : "FAST" }) // Can be "FAST", "STD", "SLOW" (default : "STD")

Running tests

To run the tests, follow these steps.

First clone the repository to your local machine and then install dependencies

yarn install

You will need to run forked mainnet of Ganache by

yarn run-ganache

Open another terminal and run tests

yarn test

This will execute the simulated trade of ETH to DAI and DAI to LINK on the local ganache server instead of running it on mainnet.